Exploring digital disconnection. A proposal for re-reading the international debate on digital disconnection

Author/s Francesca Pasquali, Piermarco Aroldi, Barbara Scifo
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/64
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 80-97 File size 302 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2022-064005
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The article addresses the multiple phenomena associated with Digital Disconnection, which is understood as the voluntary restriction of users’ connection to digital media and platforms. The article examines the recent debate on the topic, its theoretical roots, frameworks and interpretations (as conspicuous nonconsumption, individual detox practices, a form of caring for achieving digital well-being, and a form of political resistance to the platform society). Lastly, the contribution invites, also recalling the classic literature on non-use, to embrace overcoming a dichotomous reading between connection and disconnection and to place the issue of digital disconnection within broader socio-cultural transformations.

Keywords: digital disconnection; digital detox; digital well-being; media resistan-ce; non users; sostenibilità digitale.

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Francesca Pasquali, Piermarco Aroldi, Barbara Scifo, Exploring digital disconnection. Una proposta di rilettura del dibattito internazionale sulla disconnessione digitale in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 64/2022, pp 80-97, DOI: 10.3280/SC2022-064005