Figure of Merit for places: Perspectives on place branding

Author/s Roberto Bruni, Michela Matarazzo, Dus?an Mladenovic´
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/3
Language English Pages 16 P. 61-76 File size 71 KB
DOI 10.3280/MC2017-003005
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Building on the formula of "Figure of Merit" used in technology studies, this work aims at findings analogism in place marketing by presenting "Figure of Merit for Places"; the identified formula represents the possible decision making algorithm that the cluster of Digital Nomads could use to choose a place to live for a period of life. The framework is useful both to place marketers and managers - identifying value proposition and the cost-of-living and cost for accessibility - and to the place demand - discovering the benefits to choose a place to live for a period. The analogism comes from the opportunity to study the Digital Nomads (DNs) that are emerging as a maximizer cluster. They live for different periods in different territories respecting the places and diffusing traditions, cultures, impressions and e xperiences; these characteristics stimulate the place marketing activities of the territories (demand driven) and contribute, indirectly, to place branding strategies (supply driven).

Keywords: Digital nomadism, "Figure of Merit", place, value.

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Roberto Bruni, Michela Matarazzo, Dus?an Mladenovic´ , Figure of Merit for places: Perspectives on place branding in "MERCATI & COMPETITIVITÀ" 3/2017, pp 61-76, DOI: 10.3280/MC2017-003005