Diritto e male. un’approssimazione

Author/s Massimo La Torre
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 255-268 File size 85 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2013-002008
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Law and Evil: An approximation. The relationship between law and evil is to some extent well known, since law is often conceptualized as a command enforced by the threat of evil, i.e., by a sanction. Or because it is stated that law is a remedy to evil caused by violation of law. From the philosophical point of view, however, this relationship is rarely discussed. This paper aims at presenting the various ways in which this relationship between law and evil has been discussed and can be discussed starting from the controversy around the definition of evil. Such discussion on approaches and relations may lead us to some more general conclusions on the concept of law (but maybe also on the concept of evil itself) and on the ethical risks the practicing lawyer can incur.

Keywords: Evil, law, lawyers, command, sanction

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Massimo La Torre, Diritto e male. un’approssimazione in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 2/2013, pp 255-268, DOI: 10.3280/PU2013-002008