La via italiana al welfare aziendale: scenari attuali e prospettive future

Author/s Monica Boni, Alessandra Vultaggio
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 93-107 File size 465 KB
DOI 10.3280/SP2013-002005
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A recent study commissioned by Edenred to AstraRicerche investigated the level of satisfaction with corporate welfare. The research was conducted on a sample of 880 employees of companies with at least 16 employees and over 340 executives of both national and multinational companies in every area of the country, macro-sectors and size. The interviews were based on a mirror survey allowing a detailed comparison of the responses. The framework of corporate welfare is moving, though with considerable disparities between Northern and Southern Italy, and the point of views of employers and employees do not differ greatly. It may become a common ground of negotiation in order to make life easier for employees and help companies optimize their fiscal costs. What Italy needs is a coherent rethinking of tax incentives that can really play a structural effect of mediumlong term. As done in France by the CESU scheme, that in a few years contributed to the strengthening of household services helping whitening black market, professionalizing this sector and creating new networks of enterprises.

Keywords: Corporate Welfare; Voucher; Work-life Balance; Family Needs Analysis; People Care.

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Monica Boni, Alessandra Vultaggio, La via italiana al welfare aziendale: scenari attuali e prospettive future in "SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI" 2/2013, pp 93-107, DOI: 10.3280/SP2013-002005