Author/s Nico Bortoletto
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 37-50 File size 427 KB
DOI 10.3280/SA2013-002003
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This paper provides a case study of a local community, Castelli (TE), known for its centuries-old traditional production of ceramics. After a brief historical and socio-economic contextualization are considered some elements closely linked to the maintenance of Community borders within a framework of sustainable relationships. In particular, the article highlights the apparent aporia between the need to preserve a tradition - which in this case is also the basis for socio-economic development of the community - and the need for economic development to be achieved to such an extent for prevent the annihilation of community through the usual mechanisms of migration and depopulation, typical of the Abruzzo mountains. There has been found the existence of adaptive mechanisms that affect the overall balance of the community through the use of tradition in a sense of closure perceiving the innovation not as a possibility but as a risk. It was concluded that this strategy of operational closure is sustainable only up to a certain point, beyond which take over risks of lost of reference point that can trigger the same entropic effect to which such closure was put in place.
Keywords: Tradition, community, ceramics
Nico Bortoletto, Il cambiamento nella produzione della ceramica artistica come elemento di ripensamento dello sviluppo di una comunità. Il caso di Castelli in "RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZA DELL’AMMINISTRAZIONE" 2/2013, pp 37-50, DOI: 10.3280/SA2013-002003