The trajectories towards the sustainability of well-being: greening, knowledge, networking and productivity.

Author/s Immacolata Viola, Aquilina Olleia, Giacomo Rotondo
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 129-140 File size 203 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2013-001010
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Putting the sustainability of well-being at the center of a new social project requires the behavioral patterns of individual, business strategies, and policies, put in place at different levels (global, regional and disadvantaged groups) to take, as an element guide, principle of responsibility to the replicability of the capital stock. Stakeholder task is to seek the maximum compatibility in the adoption of the “trajectories” that are able to orient the global society towards the sustainability of well-being. It is our opinion that, in this context, four trajectories have a strategic value: greening, knowledge, networking and productivity.

Keywords: Greening, productivity, knowledge, networking, sustainability of wellbeing, social share responsibility

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Immacolata Viola, Aquilina Olleia, Giacomo Rotondo, Traiettorie verso la sostenibilità: greening, conoscenza, networking e produttività in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 1/2013, pp 129-140, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2013-001010