Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Francesca Masi
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/93
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 33-48 File size 1092 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2015-023003
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The financial and economic crisis and increasing health care costs led even the healthcare system of the smallest republic in the world to a management more and more focused on transparency and costefficiency. This paper aims to define a computation system of physician staffing required to provide service, as objective as possible, based on time required for activities and performance related to production volume, as reported on budget data from the control management. Even if it’s difficult generalize and standardize health care activity, the instrument built, sure improvable, shows that it is possible to achieve an objective measurement and provides an opportunity to extend it to a qualitative assessment by correlating performance indicators and staffing.
Keywords: Due time, physician staffing, physician workload, outpatient work, hospital department, HR planning
Francesca Masi, Definire la dotazione ottimale di personale medico: l’esperienza dell’Ospedale di San Marino in "MECOSAN" 93/2015, pp 33-48, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2015-023003