Accrual accounting and performance measurement: Empirical evidences from two Italian municipalities

Author/s Eleonora Cardillo, Carmela Rizza
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/2
Language English Pages 28 P. 135-162 File size 109 KB
DOI 10.3280/MACO2015-002006
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In the last years, the introduction of advanced management systems in local governments, through a substantial renewal process of these entities, has generated a new debate in literature in reference to the effects produced by the implementation of such management tools typically applied to the private sector. In particular, this paper aims to explore the way in which the use of accrual accounting supports performance measurement tools used by local governments, adopting the Resource-based view approach. Considered the debate on the effects related to the introduction of the accrual accounting system and the role of accounting information to measure performance in the local governments, it has been conducted a comparative analysis of two Italian municipalities in order to identify the relationship between these two management tools. Case analysis highlighted the fact that accrual accounting system does not always support a more complete process of performance measurement and competences and organization’s resources in the use of accounting data and information affect this process. Results also show that the introduction and use of managerial systems require a profound change of organizational culture which should be accepted by most of the members of the organization.

Keywords: Performance measurement, local government, accrual accounting, resource-based view.

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  • Accounting change negli enti locali. Quali condizioni per il miglioramento nell'ottica gestionale? Luca Del Bene, Fabio Fiorillo, Iacopo Cavallini, Beatrice Caporaletti, in MANAGEMENT CONTROL 3/2019 pp.59
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Eleonora Cardillo, Carmela Rizza, Accrual accounting and performance measurement: Empirical evidences from two Italian municipalities in "MANAGEMENT CONTROL" 2/2015, pp 135-162, DOI: 10.3280/MACO2015-002006