Author/s Sheyla Moroni
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/98
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 133-150 File size 159 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2016-098007
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Period dramas are both an important part of the production of television series of Anglo-American majors, and the only, or one of the few relations between a large number of users/citizens (scattered everywhere in the world) and history. In particular, US and UK productions have "re-constructed", through highly successful period dramas, the idea and the image of the XX century for a growing number of spectators/ citizens. The three important issues that emerge (social inclusion, women’s emancipation and fear of the internal enemy) have their origins in a solid tradition of the Anglo- Saxon academic historiography: they have become classics, but in their television version also and primarily reflect the everyday questions of contemporary politics.
Keywords: 20th century, Historical memory, Period drama, Entertainment industry, Usa
Sheyla Moroni, Mainstream: il XX secolo narrato attraverso i period dramas anglo-americani (2010-14) in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 98/2016, pp 133-150, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2016-098007