Potentialities of new agri-biotechnology for sustainable nutrition

Author/s Daniela Covino, Flavio Boccia
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2016/2
Language English Pages 10 P. 97-106 File size 152 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2016-002009
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Transgenic foods could be considered as daily conventional foods, that carry various kinds of well-known genetic modifications, and sometimes they are also able to perform a particular function. They are products which outwardly are the same as conventional ones, but they have features that can also be quite different. These foods could help improve the well-being of our society, especially for the fringe of the population with chronic diseases related to allergy phenomena or food intolerance, or a deficiency/excess of certain nutritional factors. The presence of novel foods on the market could improve their diet and, consequently, their well-being. The aim of the present work is to focus on the potential role of second generation genetically modified foods of enhancing more sustainable dietary regimes in terms of welfare. Functional transgenic food may be defined as daily conventional ones, carrying modifications in nutrients content, capable of performing as dietary supplement. Nutritional characteristics may strongly differ from usual foods in our dietary regimen in terms of vitamins, fat, gluten and so on. It is well accepted that such a kind of food might contribute to improves societies’ welfare, especially for people affected by chronic disease depending on allergies or intolerance, deficiency or surplus of specific nutritional factors. Still, several issues are to debate in terms of their acceptability and equivalence.

Keywords: Consumer, health, GMO, marketing, safety.

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Daniela Covino, Flavio Boccia, Potentialities of new agri-biotechnology for sustainable nutrition in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2/2016, pp 97-106, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2016-002009