The preclusion to play and the reasons for the gamble. Commentary on Giulio’s clinical case

Author/s Maurizio Brasini
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2017/3
Language Italian Pages 6 P. 157-162 File size 92 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSOB2017-003009
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The hypothesis that that leads this case discusses that the pathological game, considered as a symptom, represents the paradoxical impossibility of accessing a playful interpersonal dimension. This hypothesis is supported by the "twin" theories of J. Panksepp’s emotional systems and G. Liotti’s motivational systems in an attempt to integrate knowledge on the so-called social and affective neurosciences with clinical practice.

Keywords: Gambling; Pathological Dependencies; Reward System; Executive Control; Cognitive Bias; Jaak Panksepp; Emotional Systems; Giovanni Liotti; Motivational Systems.

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Maurizio Brasini, La preclusione al gioco e le motivazioni dell’azzardo. Commento al caso clinico di Giulio in "PSICOBIETTIVO" 3/2017, pp 157-162, DOI: 10.3280/PSOB2017-003009