Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Serena Di Nepi
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/160
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 289-313 File size 164 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2018-160004
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This article aims to include the history of Jews and (ex) Muslims in Rome in the debate on modern subjectiveness. The paper overlaps two different historiographical methodologies. On one hand, it focuses on the interactions among social, religious and cultural groups in the Early Modern Age. On the other one, it stresses the emotional turn by taking advantage of the most recent discussions on the egodocuments in history. As for the Jewish community, the author investigates the dedications made by the donors of judaica to the synagogues of the ghetto. As for the Muslims, the essay focuses on the bio- graphies of baptized slaves who came to Rome looking for freedom and that in many cases were neophytes from Islam.
Keywords: Connected history; ego-documents; Jews; Muslims; slavery; Rome
Serena Di Nepi, Autobiografie di minoranza. Prospettive individuali tra scritture personali e racconti di vita di ebrei e musulmani a Roma in età moderna in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 160/2018, pp 289-313, DOI: 10.3280/SS2018-160004