La tolleranza di adolescenti e giovani adulti italiani verso i migranti: il ruolo della parteci-pazione civica e politica

Author/s Iana Tzankova, Antonella Guarino, Davide Mazzoni
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language English Pages 20 P. 49-68 File size 326 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSC2019-001005
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This paper aims at clarifying the relationship between being involved in different forms of participation and tolerance toward migrants in young people. Almost 3000 participants from two European-funded research projects - FP7 PIDOP and H2020 CATCH-EyoU - answered a questionnaire that measured socio-demographics variables, the dimension of fairness in school climate, different forms of civic and political participation, and tolerance toward mi-grants and refugees. The results are consistent between the two studies, showing that civic participation demonstrated a major positive effect on tolerance. Being older, female, born in a foreign country, having more educated parents, and perceiving fairness at school, were also conditions, which sustained the development of tolerance.

Keywords: Tolerance, migrants, adolescents, young adults, civic participation, political partic-ipation

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  • Children and Peace Davide Mazzoni, Elvira Cicognani, Iana Tzankova, Antonella Guarino, Cinzia Albanesi, Bruna Zani, pp.89 (ISBN:978-3-030-22175-1)

Iana Tzankova, Antonella Guarino, Davide Mazzoni, Tolerance toward migrants among Italian adolescents and young adults: The role of civic and political participation in "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’" 1/2019, pp 49-68, DOI: 10.3280/PSC2019-001005