Smart city and social innovation: towards a critical analytical framework

Author/s Maurizio Busacca
Publishing Year 2020 Issue 2020/122
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 27-43 File size 223 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2020-122003
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For over twenty years the term smart city has entered the urban agendas of cities around the world and has established itself as one of the most influential urban paradigms. Although there is no common definition of smart city, the different actors involved in the dedicated poli-cies agree on the definition of a city in which investment in technology and human capital is aimed at improving the quality of life of citisens. However, some empirical evidence and am-biguous definitions raised increasing doubts about the effective equipollence between the so-cial and technological dimensions and the objective of the article is to develop and propose an analytical framework to help the understanding of the real importance of the social dimension in smart policies beyond the mere rhetorical dimension. To do this, the article proposes a sys-tematic review of the literature of urban studies on the smart city. In the conclusions, thanks to this new framework, the article hypothesizes the existence of a relationship between policies for the Smart City and those for Social innovation in Europe.

Keywords: Smart City; Social innovation; City, urban datafication, smart city as a process, social investment

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Maurizio Busacca, Smart City e innovazione sociale: proposta di un framework analitico critico in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 122/2020, pp 27-43, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2020-122003