International legal regulation of government procurement for sustainable development in the framework of the WTO

Author/s Aizat Begzhan, Sagyngaliy Aidarbayev, Matthias Hartwig, Sailaubek Alibekov, Zhanat Zhailau
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/2
Language English Pages 15 P. 95-109 File size 117 KB
DOI 10.3280/RISS2021-002008
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The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is the main interstate controller of international trade, in which a special place is given to the regulation of government procurement. The relevance of the article is due to the necessity to study the further development of the government procurement system and improve the efficiency of the use of public funds in order to provide society with quality goods and services. In accordance with the requirements of the world economy in order to implement of the quality mechanism of rationalization of government procurement WTO member states use the rules of sustainable development. In this regard, this article is aimed at conducting a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical foundations to identify the features in the international legal regulation of sustainability of government procurement within the WTO, to establish the need to reform this industry. In the study of this problem, the methods of generalisation, analysis, synthesis and modelling were used, which make it possible to form the concepts of the development of government procurement and generalized provisions of the directions of reforming international legal regulation in the studied area. The study made it possible to comprehensively analyse the international legal regulation of the foundations of relations arising in the field of government procurement, develop a conceptual framework for the systemic improvement of regulatory legal acts in this area. It has been substantiated that today there is an urgent need for such a reform, the creation of an appropriate legislative framework for this purpose and the wide involvement of international specialists in this activity.

Keywords: WTO, international trade, government procurement, reforming international legislation, trade policy of states.

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Aizat Begzhan, Sagyngaliy Aidarbayev, Matthias Hartwig, Sailaubek Alibekov, Zhanat Zhailau, International legal regulation of government procurement for sustainable development in the framework of the WTO in "RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'" 2/2021, pp 95-109, DOI: 10.3280/RISS2021-002008