Author/s Valentina Tirelli, Maria Clara Cavallini, Silvia Flauto, Luisa Amato, Anna Meneghelli, Emiliano Monzani
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2021/4
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 1-16 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/rip2021oa13223
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The most innovative research and clinical practice are highlighting the needs of young people in the initial stages of psychosis schizophrenic, which, in the absence of timely identification and intervention, can slide towards an aggravation of the pathology, compromising the possibility of carrying out a satisfactory existential project. Study support interventions in young people at psychotic risk lead to positive outcomes such as high school diploma, university degree and the development of interpersonal skills and employment, while school dropout at this stage can lead to stunting of the development of crucial interpersonal skills in a variety of life roles.Despite the evidence, few previous studies have attempted to systematize an effective study support intervention for this population.This work aims to analyze the results of a targeted intervention based on the implementation of some study skills (Goal Setting, Self-monitoring, and Study Skills components) on a sample of students defined at risk or in the phase of psychotic onset.Strategies have been identified in the literature as important components of self-management of behavior that minimize the risk of school failure.
Keywords: ; psychosis; study method; psychotic onset; adolescence; early intervention
Valentina Tirelli, Maria Clara Cavallini, Silvia Flauto, Luisa Amato, Anna Meneghelli, Emiliano Monzani, Abilità di studio nell’intervento precoce per le psicosi: uno studio pilota su tre p in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA" 4/2021, pp 1-16, DOI: 10.3280/rip2021oa13223