The Various Seasons of the ‘Classical’. Manuscripts and Contents of De Interpretatione between Boethius and Thomas Aquinas.

Author/s Riccardo Saccenti
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/2
Language Italian Pages 35 P. 238-272 File size 242 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2022-002004
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The reception of Aristotle’s De interpretatione in the Latin-speaking world occurred through the crucial medium of Boethius’ translation and commentaries. The heritage of this Boethian legacy certainly represents a fil rouge in the history of philosophy from late antiquity to the scholastic period, but it was not univocal in its form. In the early middle ages, De interpretatione was considered mainly in the light of Boethius’ first commentary together with other texts from the Roman tradition, such as the writings of Apuleius and Martianus Capella. It was with the growth of scholastic culture in the eleventh century that Boethius’ second commentary became a crucial text for exegesis of the contents of the Aristotelian treatise. In a certain sense, from this moment up to the mid-thirteenth century, the different readings of Aristotle’s De interpretatione all bear witness to what Chenu called the "Boethian age". The framework started to change radically around 1270 with the circulation of the Latin translation of Ammonius’ commentary, which Aquinas first used in his Expositio on the Aristotelian text. This latter contribution reconstructs the series of historical turning-points in the reception of De interpretatione through Boethius and beyond in Latin-speaking philosophical discourse from late antiquity to the mid-thirteenth century via the acquisitions of scholarly research and the varied manuscript tradition.

Keywords: De interpretatione, Boethius, Latin translation, Logica Vetus, Logica Nova.

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Riccardo Saccenti, Le molteplici stagioni del "classico" Manoscritti e contenuti del De Interpretatione fra Boezio e Tommaso d’Aquino in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 2/2022, pp 238-272, DOI: 10.3280/SF2022-002004