Student housing in the vortex of high urban attractivity in the city of Milan

Author/s Silvia Mugnano, Igor Costarelli, Carola Ludovica Giannotti Mura
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/134 Suppl.
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 96-120 File size 1558 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2024-134-S006
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The article presents a map of student accommodations in Milan, shedding light on two interrelated processes currently at play in the city: the residualisation of the public student housing sector and the rapid expansion of the purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) sector. It demonstrates how in Milan PBSAs are predominantly clustered around the main university campuses, thus benefiting from the high attractivity of the higher education system while representing unaffordable options for middle and low-income students, thereby creating exclusive geographies close to the institutions responsible for ensuring equal access to education.

Keywords: urban attractivity, student housing, city and university; purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA); financialization; affordability

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Silvia Mugnano, Igor Costarelli, Carola Ludovica Giannotti Mura, L’abitare studentesco nel vortice della Milano attrattiva in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 134 Suppl./2024, pp 96-120, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2024-134-S006