Le rivolte francesi del novembre 2005 nei titoli di ventuno quotidiani italiani. Ricostruzione dei processi rappresentazionali attraverso un'analisi lessicografica

Autori/Curatori Alesssndra Areni, Gilda Sensales, Angela Angelastro
Anno di pubblicazione 2009 Fascicolo 2008/4
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 28 P. 31-58 Dimensione file 735 KB
DOI 10.3280/RIP2008-004002
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Le rivolte francesi del novembre 2005 nei titoli di ventuno quotidiani italiani. Ricostruzione dei processi rappresentazionali attraverso un'analisi lessicografica - The tradition of the social representations is the framework of research that is part of a wider project focused on the role of mass media, as part of cultural system, and on processes of anchorage and labelling involved to define the events under observation. We studied the social representations of French riots of November 2005 on headlines of 21 Italian daily newspapers with different cultural and ideological orientation. The aims of research, of comparative character, were the exploration: of consistence of results emerged in previous investigations, and of role played from newspapers and from temporal distance by the events 1) on structural organization of representational field, related to lexicon of headlines, and 2) on differential characterization of the lexicon of headlines 2a) of 21 newspapers and 2b) of two periods, more or less near to the beginning of events. The population, composed by 468 headlines, was collected by October 30 to November 18, 2005. The textual data, related to words of headlines, and the extra-textual data, related to newspapers, to period of publication (I and II week), to signature and sex of journalists, have been processed by different steps of statistical package SPAD-T. According to the scree-test were extracted two factors able to explain 20.40% of total variance. Through the intersection between the two factors we analyzed the factorial plan that, by providing the information more synthetic and exhaustive as possible, highlighted the existence of four areas otherwise characterized by the newspapers, by the two weeks and by the signature and gender of journalists. The differential analysis of lexicographical characterization of each of the 21 newspapers and of two periods, allowed the confirmation and deepening of what emerged in the structural analysis. Overall results showed the non-neutrality of language used by the headlines. It was functional to ideological and cultural profile of source, to its geographical area of reference and to temporal distance from origin of events. Furthermore results showed processes of anchorage and la- beling referable to need to preserve and strengthen specific groupal identity of the source.;

Alesssndra Areni, Gilda Sensales, Angela Angelastro, Le rivolte francesi del novembre 2005 nei titoli di ventuno quotidiani italiani. Ricostruzione dei processi rappresentazionali attraverso un'analisi lessicografica in "RICERCHE DI PSICOLOGIA " 4/2008, pp 31-58, DOI: 10.3280/RIP2008-004002