Issue 2/2023
Energy and environmental observatory
- Souleymane Diallo, Natural resource wealth in sub-Saharan Africa: A boon for public investment in renewable energy?
- Andrea Molocchi, Valuing the social cost of carbon: Do economists really care about climate change?
- Laureen Deman, Quentin Boucher, Sonia Djebali, Guillaume Guerard, Cédric Clastres, Bidding strategy of storage hydropower plants in reserve markets
- Mohammed Seghir Guellil, Mohamed Hadj Ahmed, Samir Ghouali, Mostéfa Belmokaddem, Measures to promote energy, economic and environmental sustainability for an optimal workforce portfolio between Algerian sectors at the 2030 horizon using fuzzy goal programming approach
Issue 1/2023
Energy and environmental observatory
- Pedro Linares, Tomás Gómez San Román, An assessment of the Iberian Exception to control electricity prices
- Antonio Massarutto, Is reuse always better than recycling? A critical analysis of the proposed European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste and a debunking of its Impact Assessment study
- Armagan Canan, Offshore wind energy policy paths: A comparative analysis of Denmark and Germany
- Nicholas Valentini, Raed Jarrah, Chang-Ray Chen, Public perception of residential solar energy in Minnesota’s urban areas
- Marco Vincenzi, Mapping the empirical relationship between environmental performance and social preferences: Evidence from macro data
- Erwan Hermawan, Adiarso Adiarso, Sigit Setiadi, Dudi Hidayat, Strategy for the implementation of sustainable green fuels in Indonesia