Issue 3-4/2013
- Anne d'Arcy, Current issues on European Corporate Governance
- Stefano Zambon, Research Forum on "Intangibles"
- Vivien Beattie, Robin Roslender, Sarah Jane Smith, Balancing on a Tightrope: Customer Relational Capital, Value Creation and Disclosure
- Bernard Gumb, Alan Fustec, The Story of the French Touch on "Immatériels": A Retrospective
- Laura Girella, Regulating through the "Logic of Appropriateness" and the "Rhetoric of the Expert": The Role of Consultants in the Case of Intangibles Reporting in Germany
- Giuseppe Marzo, Some Unintended Consequences of Metaphors: The Case of Capital in Intellectual Capital Research
- Lorenzo Neri, Antonella Russo, Risk Disclosures in the Annual Reports of Italian Listed Companies
- Raffaele Fiume, Tiziano Onesti, Valerio Pieri, Dialogue with standard setters
- Roberto Di Pietra, Book Review
Issue 2/2013
- Charles Cho, Ericka Costa, Giovanna Michelon, Special Forum on "Social and Environmental Accounting and Accountability"
- Dennis M. Patten, Lessons from the Third Wave: A reflection on the rediscovery of Corporate Social Responsibility by the mainstream accounting research community
- Enrico Bracci, Mouhcine Tallaki, Socio-environmental reporting trends in the Italian local government: Thrive or wither?
- Mark W. McElroy, Bill Baue, Research needs and opportunities in Context-Based Sustainability
- Bernard Raffournier, Has accounting quality increased in Europe after IFRS adoption?
- Raffaele Fiume, Stefania Vignini, Dialogue with standard setters. The EFRAG activities on taxation: A survey of the recent work
- Giuseppe Marzo, Book Review
Issue 1/2013
- Alberto Quagli, Editorial. Just some order in financial reporting studies - the need for a taxonomy
- Araceli Mora, Increasing the relevance of "Policy Relevant Research"
- Alessandro Mechelli, Riccardo Cimini, Assessing value relevance of comprehensive income in European banks and other financial institutions
- Francesca Buzzichelli, Roberto Di Pietra, Risk profile disclosure requirements for Italian insurance companies: Differences in the financial statement preparation
- Susanne Durst, An exploratory study of intangibles risk disclosure in annual reports of banking companies from the UK, US, Germany and Italy - Some descriptive insights
- Selena Aureli, Federica Salvatori, Investigation of risk management and risk disclosure practices of Italian listed local utilities
- Raffaele Fiume, Dialogue with standard setters
- Antonella Russo, Current development of Disclosure Framework within the EFRAG Proactive Work
- Donatella Casale, Book Review
- A cura della Redazione, Reviewer 2012