Issue 80/1996
- S. Benati, Submodularity in competitive location problems
- J. Blazewicz, M. Kasprzak, M. Sterna, J. Weglarz, Selected combinatorial optimization problem arising in molecular biology
- M. Conforti, G. Cornuéjols, A. Kapoor, K. VuŠkovic, Perfect, Ideal and Balanced Matrices
Issue 79/1996
- R. Islam, M.P. Biswal, S.S. Alam, Deriving weights from pairwise comparison matrices by goal programming
- T. Marchant, PROMETHEE and GAIA in a multi-decision maker environment
- B. Viscolani, A. Buratto, Advertising for the launch of a Product with Random Success
Issue 78/1996
- S. Nicoletti, F. Nicolò, A Concurrent Engineering Decision Model: Parallel Running of Activities Linked through Information Flows.
- The Hypergraph Simplex Approach: some exeperimeental results
- Maciej Hapke, A Note on Fuzzy Optimization for Project Scheduling.
Issue 77/1996
- Giorgio Gallo, Operations Research- The Challenge of Complexity
- Jonathan Rosenhead, Between two stools: a possibile future for Operational Research.
- Pasquale Avella, Antonio Sforza, Test di riduzione per il problema di p-mediana.
- Alberto Caprara, Matteo Fischietti, Odd cut-sets, odd cycles, and 0-1/2 Chvàtal-Gomory cuts.