Issue 88/1998
- Alfredo Fiocco, Bruno Simeone, Domenico Tersigni, A Sunday Opening Calendar for Shops in Rome through Random Utility Matching and Travelling Salesman Models
- Carlo Filippi, Giovanni Andreatta, Giorgio Romanin-Jacur, On Balancing the Flow Out of a Network with Gains
- Janez Zerovnik, Janez Brest, An Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
Issue 87/1998
- Jesper Larsen, A note on the practical performance of the auction algorithm for shortest path problem
- David Pisinger, A tree-search heuristic for the container loading problem
- Giovanni Storchi, Andrea Scozzari, An O.R. Application for the Catholic Jubilee in Rome
- S. Xi, Continuous Optimization in China: Theoretical Developments and Applications
Issue 85-86/1998
- Federico Della Croce, Presentation
- Andrea Gamba, Francesco Rossi, Mean-Variance-Skewness Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets
- Angela Testi, On Planning the Optimal supply for Hospital Beds
- Giacomo Patrizi, Fernando Bardati, Franca Bartolozzi, A Constrained Optimization Approach to the Control of a Phased Array Radiofrequency Hyperthermia System
- Chiara Lepsky, Raffaele Menolascino, Giuseppe Minerva, Optimisation Problems in Mobile Network Planning
- Fabio Grasso, Calculating the Expense Loading in a Bonus-Malus System