Issue 126/2021
- A cura della Redazione, Presentazione del fascicolo
- Gerardo Ienna, Carmelo Lombardo, Lorenzo Sabetta, Marco Santoro, Sketch for a Sociology of Sociological Self-Analyses
- Bridget Fowler, Social Ageing: Fragments of an Autoanalysis
- Lennart Rosenlund, A bourdieusian CV from the Fringe of the Field
- Niilo Kauppi, Pierre Bourdieu as I Remember Him
- Annick Prieur, Lost and Gained in Translation
- José Luis Moreno Pestaña, Between the End of Real Socialism and the Crisis of Capitalism: A bourdieusian Academic Experience
- David L. Swartz, From Paris to Boston: A Trajectory with Pierre Bourdieu
- Alicia B. Gutiérrez, My Work with and from Bourdieu: Tools, Stakes and Commitment
- Karl von Holdt, Arguing with Bourdieu: A South African Encounter
- Naoki Iso, Bourdieusian Self-Analyses as a Japanese Sociologist
Issue 125/2021
- Matteo Gerli, Tra «rifrazione» e «traduzioni»: Bourdieu, Latour e l’autonomia scientifica (Between «refraction» and «translations»: Bourdieu, Latour and scientific autonomy)
- Stefania Tusini, Spostare il confine più in là. Autoetnografia come genere scientifico? (Shifting the boundary. autoethnography as a scientific genre? (Spostare il confine più in là. Autoetnografia come genere scientifico?)
- Gabriella D’Ambrosio, Giampiero D’Alessandro, Beyond borders: analysis of the students’ mobility flows at Sapienza University of Rome
- Stefania Palmisano, Monica Gilli, Anna Lo Presti, Spiritual but not religious. A survey on university students in Turin
- Gabriella Punziano, Ciro Clemente De Falco, Domenico Trezza, Tra geografia delle narrazioni e geografia dei contagi in Italia: il contributo dell’analisi spaziale e del contenuto dei tweet alla comprensione della pandemia (Geography of narration and geography of contagion in Italy: understanding the pandemic and its effects through spatial and content analysis of tweets)
- Shkelzen Hasanaj, Marco Chiuppesi, Algoritmi decisionali e discriminazione percepita: uno studio sugli audits di sicurezza nei sistemi di self-checkout della Gdo (Decision algorithms and perceived discrimination: a study on retail self-checkout audits)
- Francesca Veltri, L’obbedienza è (ancora) una virtù? Vincoli normativi e limiti sistemici dell’obbedienza (Is obedience (still) a virtue? Normative constraints and systemic limits of obedience ()
- Maria Adelaide Gallina, Renato Grimaldi, Monitorare l’inclusione dei minori stranieri. La valutazione del progetto della Fondazione per la Scuola nei Cpia torinesi (Monitoring the inclusion of foreign minors. The evaluation of the school foundation project in Turin’s CPIA)
- Ivana Matteucci, I frames della migrazione in Italia: rappresentazioni nei media e opinione pubblica (Framing migration in Italy. Media representation and public opinion)
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts
Issue 124/2021
- Luigi Muzzetto, Introduction to the problem of relevance
- Hisashi Nasu, Alfred Schutz’s conception of relevance and its significances for the social sciences
- Carlos Belvedere, Topic relevance as the basic structuration of the field of consciousness
- Ken Takakusa, Relevance and cognitive style: on the double characterization of science in Alfred Schutz
- Daniela Griselda Lopez, Schutzian social cartography
- Riccardo Venturini, The system of relevances and enclaves
- Jochen Dreher, Life-World, relevance and power. Phenomenology and social critique
- Luigi Muzzetto, On the «unconscious» nature of Because motives. Some considerations on the Unconscious in Alfred Schutz
- Hermílio Santos, Priscila Susin, Relevance and time in Schutzian theory: methodological implications to interpretative biographical research
- Christian Meyer, Frank Oberzaucher, Relevance and embodied reflexivity: constellations work between Gurwitsch, Merleau-Ponty and Garfinkel
- A cura della Redazione, Abstracts