Issue 114/2014
- Federico Pica, Mezzogiorno, finanza pubblica e conflitto economico-sociale (Public Finance and Southern Question)
- Vincenzo Maffeo, Economic theory and social classes
- Giorgio Liotti, Salvatore Villani, The equalising power of internal immigration and the desertification process of southern Italy
- Ivan Cucco, Network-based policies and innovation networks in two Italian regions: a comparison through a social selection model
- A cura della Redazione, Recensioni
Issue 113/2014
- Amedeo Fossati, The Luigi Einaudi vs. Mauro Fasiani epistemological debate (1938-1943): the end of the italian tradition in Public Finance
- Carlo Panico, Antonio Pinto, Bassa crescita dell’economia o elevato sviluppo del settore finanziario? Alcune annotazioni sul recente libro di Piketty
- Ivano D'Antonio, Alessandro De Iudicibus, Giuseppe Piroli, Francesco Savoia, Ricerca e innovazione in campania: una valutazione controfattuale della politica di coesione
- Valentina Gambardella, Incentivi alla ricerca e collaborazione tra attori dell’innovazione. Uno studio basato sulla sesta indagine Community Innovation Survey (2006-2008) (Public funding and collaboration among different actors of innovation. A study based on the Sixth Community Innovation Survey)
- A cura della Redazione, Recensioni
Issue 112/2014
- Quadrio Alberto Curzio, Opening address
- Domenicantonio Fausto, Augusto Graziani: a profile
- Giacomo Costa, Augusto Graziani on the walrasian capital formation model
- Lilia Costabile, The links between economic theory and the history of economic thought. Graziani from general equilibrium analysis to the theory of the monetary circuit
- Vincenzo Giura, Economic theory and economic history: Graziani’s vision
- Riccardo Martina, The theory of the firm in the scientific work of graziani
- Ferruccio Marzano, On Graziani’s monetary theory of production
- Federico Pica, Graziani’s approach to teaching economics
- Alfredo Del Monte, The southern question in the Graziani’s thought
- Giancarlo De Vivo, Graziani’s reader on the italian economy
- Adriano Giannola, Orthodoxy and etherodoxy in graziani’s thought
- Ugo Marani, Economic monetary union and regional divergences: the legacy of Augusto Graziani
- Antonio Pedone, Economic stabilization and growth policies in Augusto Graziani’s approach
- Domenicantonio Fausto, Writings of augusto Graziani