Issue 3/2020 Focus monotematico. Recent developments of Narrative Exposure Therapy
- Vittoria Ardino, Inga Schalinski, Recent developments of Narrative Exposure Therapy
- Katy Robjant, Danie Meyer, Elisabeth Kaiser, Elisa Kaltenbach, Maggie Schauer, e-NET: Narrative Exposure Therapy online. The challenges and opportunities of delivering trauma therapy remotely
- Vittoria Ardino, Bruno Intreccialagli, Interpersonal Narrative Exposure Therapy: Integration of NET with attachment-based therapies
- Susanne Breinlinger, Ann-Kathrin Pütz, Natalie R. Stevens, Daniela Mier, Inga Schalinski, Michael Odenwald, Narrative Exposure Therapy in challenging and conditions
- Patricia Strijk, Viyan Bedawi, Ruud A. Jongedijk, A new treatment approach for PTSD: High-Intensive Narrative Exposure Therapy (HI-NET)
- Katy Robjant, Sabine Schmitt, Thomas Elbert, Amani Chibashimba, Anke Koebach, The NETfacts health system: An integrative approach to counter the mental sequelae of trauma and violence at the individual and community level
- Vittoria Badino, Coerenza narrativa e frequenza dell’evento traumatico: un’analisi su deposizioni di abuso sessuale infantile (Narrative coherence and traumatic event’s frequency in child sexual abuse.)
- Ludovica Di Paola, Annalaura Nocentini, Patricia Monica Bettini, Roberto Leonetti, Nurse Home Visitation Program per la riduzione del rischio di maltrattamento infantile: una prima valutazione dell’intervento dell’Unità Funzionale Complessa Salute Mentale Infanzia e Adolescenza e Centri Consulenza Giovani dell’Azienda Usl Toscana Centro-Firenze (Nurse Home Visitation Program for the reduction of the risk of child maltreatment: A first evaluation of the intervention of the Complex Functional Unit Mental Health Childhood and Adolescence and Young Healthcare Center Consultancy Centers of the Local Health Authority of Tuscany Center-Florence.)
- Giulia Savarese, Monica Romei, Luna Carpinelli, Daniela D’Elia, Rosa Angela Villani, Marianna Giordano, Annamaria Scapicchio, Domenico Costantino, Esperienze Sfavorevoli Infantili: un Progetto in Campania per la prevenzione e l’intervento (Adverse Childhood Experiences: A project in Campania for prevention and intervention.)
- A cura della Redazione, Iniziative, convegni, siti internet
Issue 2/2020 Focus monotematico. Parental psychological control: An intrusive form of parenting
- Rosalba Larcan, Parental psychological control: An intrusive form of parenting
- Nadia Barberis, Valeria Verrastro, Federica Papa, Maria Catena Quattropani, Suicidal ideation and psychological control in emerging adults: The role of trait EI
- Sebastiano Costa, Francesca Liga, Maria Cristina Gugliandolo, Simona Sireno, Rosalba Larcan, Francesca Cuzzocrea, Antecedents of parental psychological control: A narrative review grounded in Self-Determination Theory perspective
- Francesca Cuzzocrea, Sebastiano Costa, Marco Cannavò, Maria Cristina Gugliandolo, Preliminary development and psychometrics characteristics of a multidimensional measure of Parental Psychological Control: The Inventory of Parental Psychological Control (IPPC)
- Flaviana Tenuta, Maria Giuseppina Bartolo, Daniela Diano, Angela Costabile, Maltrattamento e abuso: una rassegna su definizioni, tipologie e interventi per la tutela dei soggetti a rischio (Maltreatment and abuse: A review of definitions, types and interventions for children at risk.)
- Martina Ruggeri, Laura Massi, Il Trauma Complesso come disturbo dello sviluppo: analisi di un caso clinico (The Complex Trauma as a developmental disorder: analysis of a clinical case.)
- Lorenza Di Pentima, Sara Ramelli, Attaccamento e bullismo: un confronto tra bulli, vittime, bulli-vittime e non-coinvolti in età scolare (Attachment and bullying: A comparison between bullies, victims, bully-victims and non-involved in the school age.)
- Comitato di Redazione, Siti internet
Issue 1/2020 Focus monotematico. Brain bodyinteraction in explaining emotional behavior: Some highlights in interoception and syncopal phenomena
- Michela Balconi, Brain-body interaction in explaining emotional behavior: Some highlights in interoception and syncopal phenomena
- Laura Angioletti, Michela Balconi, Abuse, emotion regulation, and interoception: What can studies on the brain-body interaction tell us?
- Michela Balconi, Laura Angioletti, Fybromialgia, interoception and risk factor for emotional dysregulation: A single case pilot study
- Davide Crivelli, Michela Balconi, Trauma and syncope: Which relationship do they share?
- Davide Crivelli, Michela Balconi, Assessing physiological autonomic reactivity and appraisal in psychogenic pseudosyncope: Preliminary evidence from a pilot study with two single-cases
- Chiara Ionio, Eleonora Mascheroni, Giulia Segre, IPV and prematurity: What does literature say?
- Giovanni Di Stefano, Paola Miano, The psychometric properties of the Adolescent Family Process measure in an Italian sample
- Laura Salvioni, Empatia e Child Abuse Potential (Empathy and Child Abuse Potential.)
- A cura della Redazione, Iniziative, convegni, siti internet