Rivista della Associazione Italiana di Psicoanalisi

2 issues per year, ISSN 1971-0364 , ISSNe 1972-490X

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 48.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 41.50

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Psicoanalisiis the official journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (AIPsi) which was founded in 1992 after a split from the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI). It is currently a Component Society of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Psicoanalisi is a six-monthly publication containing specific technical and theoretical psychoanalytical papers based on clinical experience. At a time when psychoanalysis risks being confused with or submerged by, on the one hand, the proliferation of alternative forms of psychoanalysis, and on the other, by the numerous attempts to prove its validity or otherwise with methods often more suited to other sciences, Psicoanalisi sets out to present to a wider public of experts what we consider specific to our working methods and discipline. The journal is divided into two sections. In the first, we offer the Italian public essays written by foreign authors who are already known but whose papers have yet to be translated into Italian, as well as contributions from other authors who are less known in Italy. In this way the psychoanalytic thinking of the three geographic regions of the IPA - Europe, North America and South America - is represented. The second section contains papers by colleagues who have been anonymously selected by a review board whose members are qualified analysts but do not belong to the AIPsi. We also publish works that can be considered "classics", reviewed and discussed by one or two colleagues of differing orientations. Finally, we publish brief reviews of international psychoanalytical literature.

General Editor: Giovanna Ambrosio
Vice-Editor: Annita Gallina
Editors: Simona Di Segni (Redattore-capo), Simona Argentieri, Annalisa Ferretti, Adolfo Pazzagli
Review board: Delia Battin-Mahon, Mauricio Gitnacht, Gemma Jappe, Antonio Perez-Sanchez, David Rosenfeld, Adriana Sorrentini, Riccardo Steiner

Editorial Guidelines
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Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and mental health professionals

Issue 1/2024