Agri-food logistics in the Mediterranean area

A cura di: Domenico Gattuso

Agri-food logistics in the Mediterranean area

This booklet contains the proceedings of a Meeting on “Agri-food logistics in the Mediterranean Area”. The meeting, organised by the LOGICA Laboratory of the Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, was not only an interesting occasion to share ideas and knowledge about agri-food logistics, but also an opportunity to draw attention to the Laboratory itself.

Printed Edition


Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788856804799

Edition: 1a edizione 2008

Publisher code: 1797.33

Availability: Discreta

This booklet contains the proceedings of a Meeting on "Agri-food logistics in the Mediterranean Area", which was held in Reggio Calabria in November 2007 and involved numerous Italian and foreign speakers working in the world of research, institutions and enterprises. The meeting, organised by the LOGICA Laboratory of the Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, was not only an interesting occasion to share ideas and knowledge about agri-food logistics, but also an opportunity to draw attention to the Laboratory itself and to Gioia Tauro District of Logistics.
The Laboratory is meant as a multidisciplinary research knot and, therefore, it is an extremely innovative experience. It involves various cultural areas, such as Transport, Logistics, Telecommunications, Automatics, Agronomy. It intends to offer companies, particularly those operating in Calabria, a series of services with a high scientific and technological content, thus contributing to the promotion of Gioia Tauro District of Logistics. It is not an easy challenge; moreover, Gioia Tauro is now playing a primary role in the world traffics and it is a hub in the Mediterranean trade. As a matter of fact, the growing trend of trade leads to consider the port as an integrated logistic platform of national interest, so that the envisaged opportunities can be turned into added value for the whole community and particularly for the agri-food sector.
The Meeting was an opportunity to connect the world of research with the territorial context in order to work on this issue. The text is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the trinomial "logistics, agri-food sector, Mediterranean area", the second includes specific contributions of scientific and technological research elaborated by professors and researchers working in the LOGICA Laboratory of the Mediterranea University.

Domenico Gattuso, professor in transportation sector at the Engineering Faculty of the Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria. He is President of the Consorzio Istituto Superiore Trasporti (C.I.Su.T.) and Director of the LOGICA-Logistics Laboratory.

Massimo Giovannini, Presentation
Domenico Gattuso, Introduction
Part I. Logistics in agri-food sector in Mediterranean Area
Domenico Gattuso, Agri-food logistics: an opportunity for the South of Italy and for the Mediterranean Area
(Some basic theses; Trends of the Mediterranean economic and social context in the international framework; Liberalization of international trade and Euro-Mediterranean Free Exchange Area; Agri-food logistics in the scenario prospects. A potential for the South of Italy and for the Mediterranean Area; The moment of choice-making based on priorities and farsightedness; References; Abstract)
Konstadinos G. Goulias, Supply chain and transportation. A smorgasbord of issues
(Introduction; The global market; Modeling and simulation; Acknowledgements; References; Abstract)
Charles V. Schembri, Ports: gateway for the facilitation of trade
Marco Rossi, Livorno Port role in agri-food sector
Giuseppe Fabbri, Rail transport in agri-food sector
Giuseppe Vermiglio, The Mediterranean in Trans-European networws
Vittorio Fulco, A convenient base in Gioia Tauro. Questions surrounding opportunities for a leading company in the field of logistics
Giovanni Privitera, Roberto Scarfò, Enterprise experience in agri-food sector in Gioia Tauro
Francesco S. Nesci, Donatella Privitera, Social and economic implication of the agri-food sector for the development of Calabria region
(Introduction; The agricultural situation in Calabria; Analisys of the main economic and productive sectors; The food industry and distribution; Conclusion; References; Abstract)
Part II. Research Contribution in logistics subject
Stèphane Sirjean, The CRET-LOG Research Center. Main Research topics linked to agri-food logistics
(A brief overview of CRET-LOG; Our main research topics; References; Abstract)
Valerio Scordamaglia, Massimiliano Mattei, Null-Space-based behavioral control of an autonomous team of mobile robots
(Introduction; The NSB approach; The application of NSB to a robot team control; Numerical results; Conclusion; References; Abstract)
Daniele Biondo, Sergio Polito, Radio-based location techniques in logistics scenarios
(Introduction; Location solutions based on RFID technology; Experimental setup and on-field considerations; The proposed approach; Location results; Conclusions; References; Abstract)
Daniele Gattuso, Demetrio Filocamo, Danilo Larizza, Demetrio L. Palamara, Mobile unity of Mediterranean University logistic laboratory. Technological and functional components of advance research
(Introduztion; System architecture; Description of board systems functions; Conclusions; Glossary; References; Abstract)
Domenico Gattuso, Antonella Polimeni, Gian Carla Cassone, Supply chain in the agri-food sector across Gioia Tauro
(Introduction; The supply chain in the agri-food sector; Methods and models for the evaluation of logistic costs; Evaluation of logistic costs; Conclusions; References; Abstract)
Giandomenico Meduri, Domenico L. Palamara, Regional freight mobility: a methodological approach for the estimation of freight transport and logistic demand
(Introduction; The state of the art; Methodological approach proposed for the estimation of regional freight transport demand; Proposed methodological approach for the estimation of the regional demand of logistic services; Freight transport and logistic demand in Calabria: aggregate statistical analysis; Conclusions and future research developments; References; Abstract)
Domenico L. Palamara, Giandomenico Meduri, Specification of a model of generation/attraction of agri-food goods
(Introduction; Definition of the input and output variables; Specification of models; Application of generation model to the conurbated area; References; Abstract)
Demetrio C. Festa, Mario Cordasco, An evaluation methodology for urban freight distribution systems
(Introduction; Solutions for urban freight transport; Research into urban freight transport; The used methodological approach; Distribution logistic system design for the town of Cosenza; Conclusions; References; Abstract)
Alfio Strano, Antonietta Cavaleri Mandarano, Logistics issues in the olive-oil supply chain of the Plain of Gioia Tauro
(Introduction; Methodology; Survey results; Inbound and outbound flows; Conclusions; References; Abstract)
Alfio Strano, Serafina Andiloro, Logistics in the citrus supply chain of the Plain of Gioia Tauro
(Introduction; Methodology; The sample description; Results; Conclusions; References; Abstract).

Contributors: Serafina Andiloro, Daniele Biondo, Gian Carla Cassone, Antonietta Cavalieri Mandarano, Mario Cordasco, Giuseppe Fabbri, Demetrio Carmine Festa, Demetrio Filocamo, Vittorio Fulco, Massimo Giovannini, Konstadinos G. Goulias, Danilo Larizza, Massimiliano Mattei, Giandomenico Meduri, Francesco Saverio Nesci, Domenico Palamara, Antonella Polimeni, Sergio Polito, Donatella Privitera, Giovanni Privitera, Marco Rossi, Roberto Scarfò, Charles V. Schembri, Valerio Scordamaglia, Stéphane Sirjean, Alfio Strano, Giuseppe Vermiglio

Serie: Trasporti

Subjects: Infrastructure and Transport - Environmental and Transportation Economics

Level: Scholarly Research

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