Circular Economy in the Agrifood Sector

Roberta Paltrinieri, Stefano Spillare, Francesco Savoia

Circular Economy in the Agrifood Sector

The SinCE-AFC ebook

This book results from the project Interreg Europe SinCE-AFC, which aims to provide horizontal mechanisms to enhance the capacity of Small and Mediumsized Enterprises to implement new production models and contribute to sustainable growth in the agrifood sector in the European Union. The main goal is to elaborate on theoretical and practical aspects of the circular economy in this sector, introducing the concept and its limitations, outlining the regulatory framework and the recent policy developments.

Pages: 104

ISBN: 9788835150305

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Publisher code: 10266.4

Info about Open Access books

The circular economy is recognised as a new economic paradigm as opposed to the traditional linear open-ended economy model based on endless exploitation of resources and prioritising profit over sustainability. Aligning global production and consumption systems with sustainability is one of the major challenges of our time. Investments in renewable and clean energies, clean transport, sustainable food, and a smart circular economy remain great opportunities for future economic growth prospects.
This book results from the project Interreg Europe SinCE-AFC, which aims to provide horizontal mechanisms to enhance the capacity of Small and Mediumsized Enterprises to implement new production models and contribute to sustainable growth in the agrifood sector in the European Union.
The main goal is to elaborate on theoretical and practical aspects of the circular economy in this sector, introducing the concept and its limitations, outlining the regulatory framework and the recent policy developments, and illustrating factors encouraging (or hindering) the transition. The book presents the main outcomes of the SinCE-AFC project, elaborating on the results of two surveys aimed at assessing the level of awareness, knowledge, engagement and needs of the project partners and local stakeholders. It also provides a systematisation of the collected good practices covering the entire supply chain, from the recovery of agricultural by-products to the digital app for food waste prevention. A summary of project partners' action plans concludes, highlighting policies and actions implemented to improve the replicability of practices and shift the agrifood sector towards a more resilient and sustainable path.

Roberta Paltrinieri, Full Professor in Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna.

Stefano Spillare, Associate Professor in Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the Department of Sociology and Business Law of the University of Bologna.

Francesco Savoia, Research Fellow at the Department of Management of the University of Bologna.

Covid-19 and the circular economy: the background
Circular economy: general overview and the agrifood perspective
(The need for a circular economy; Circular economy in the agrifood chain)
The Regulatory Policy Framework in the EU
(EU Green Deal and the circular economy transition; A synergic and harmonised policy framework for the agrifood chain; EU main programmes: financial and non-financial instruments for SMEs)
The transition to circular economy: drivers and barriers
(Drivers and barriers; Evidence from the SinCE-AFC consultation processes
The collected good practices
(Good practices and relevant features; The SinCE-AFC good practices catalogue)
The action plans
(What is an action plan, and what are its contents?; The action plans of the SinCE-AFC partners)

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