The SDGs in the reports of the Italian companies

GBS - Gruppo di Studio per il Bilancio Sociale

The SDGs in the reports of the Italian companies

The document represents the first result of the study conducted by the research group "SDGs and business reporting" and aims to be the starting point of a process for corporate awareness towards sustainable development objectives. The results provide inputs for entrepreneurs, directors, managers, regulators, consultants, etc. who are the actors in a process of profound business change that is affecting the corporate reporting and disclosures.

Pages: 154

ISBN: 9788891797537

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Publisher code: 10365.34

Info about Open Access books

The document represents the first result of the study conducted by the research group "SDGs and business reporting" and aims to be the starting point of a process for corporate awareness towards sustainable development objectives.
The document reveals our country commitment on Agenda 2030; a commitment that involves the entire "Italian system" in pursuit of the 17 sustainable development goals, through the active role of Italian companies as operators. Hence, it not only creates economic value on sustainable development but also it sensitize other companies, end users and the community in general.
Although the results depict a sustainable development goals reporting in becoming and not entirely conscious, they provide inputs for entrepreneurs, directors, managers, regulators, consultants, etc. who, for various reasons, are the actors in a process of profound business change that is affecting the corporate reporting and disclosures.
The document provides, in this context, useful hints to a better understanding the new corporate reporting direction; indeed, reporting is increasingly affected by an accountability process and responsibility towards both internal and external stakeholders.

Purpose of the document
Research group "SDGs and company reporting"
Framing elements
(Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development goals; Scientific literature; Guidelines and main international surveys)
Methodological references
(Companies analysed; Information to be analysed; Examples of information)
(Analysis of 17 goals; Analysis of individual goals)
Check list for information analysis

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