That Religion in which all Men agree..». The Lodges in the early eighteenth century between the research of the origins and true religion

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Gian Mario Cazzaniga
Publishing Year 2017 Issue 2016/154
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 639-661 File size 84 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2016-154002
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This article discusses the different meanings of Religion in the founding texts of modern Freemasonry (Constitutions) and in the coeval debate inside the masonic lodges, analyzing the situation of England and France in the early eighteenth Century and the influence of the two different State religions on the two national masonries. The building of Solomon’s Temple and the ritual of Master mason constitute the foundation Myths of the Institution, referring to the tradition, only partly originated by the medieval guilds, that aspires to bring together the different christian churches connecting them to a common primitive divine revelation and to a common moral law.

Keywords: Freemasonry, religion, Solomon Temple, foundation’s myth. initiation rites.

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  • Quale storia della società? Uno sguardo sull'epoca moderna Paola Bianchi, in SOCIETÀ E STORIA 178/2023 pp.711
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Gian Mario Cazzaniga, «Quella religione su cui tutti gli uomini sono d’accordo..». Le logge del primo settecento fra ricerca delle origini e vera religione in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 154/2016, pp 639-661, DOI: 10.3280/SS2016-154002