Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Filippo De Pieri
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/64
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 75-81 File size 532 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2013-064012
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The 1962 Law n. 167 played an important role in favouring the construction of residential buildings for middle classes in various Italian cities. Often associated with the construction of large social housing complexes, Law n. 167 also included support for large sectors of the middle classes to achieve home ownership among its objectives, following on from post-war ‘economical’ housing policies. It was in fact the more ambitious interpretations of Law No. 167 in the 1960s and 1970s in Italy (those which saw it as the first step towards a structural reform of the 1942 law), which pushed for the inclusion of substantial quotas of construction for middle classes in zoning plans. Results in this period differed according to the local context and left behind them a varied building and social landscape, which still awaits a full assessment.
Keywords: Middle classes; Law n. 167; cooperatives
Filippo De Pieri, La legge 167 e i ceti medi in "TERRITORIO" 64/2013, pp 75-81, DOI: 10.3280/TR2013-064012