Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Roberta Bellini, Gianmauro Numico, Cristian Zanelli, Daniela Kozel
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/119
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 57-88 File size 687 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2021-119004
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In the context of the debate on bed needs, the reflection on the potential for an improvement in efficiency of hospital stay is particularly relevant. The medical field is still subject to phenomena of excessive variability and poor standardization. Within an Internal Medicine Department of a large referral Hospital, an organizational review of the medical hospitalization was launched, which included: "12 the investigation of the factors that hinder the process "2" the construction of a system of data reporting that covers efficiency indicators "32 an intervention extended to all medical facilities. The intervention produced several improvements and resulted in a significant reduction in the average length of stay. This experience shows the feasibility of acting on the medical admission through the available management tools.
Keywords: hospital admission, length of stay, discharge, efficiency, operations management, change management.
Roberta Bellini, Gianmauro Numico, Cristian Zanelli, Daniela Kozel, Efficientamento del processo di ricovero ordinario nei reparti medici: progetto e risultati di un intervento organizzativo in "MECOSAN" 119/2021, pp 57-88, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2021-119004