Issue 2/2010
- Benedetto Vertecchi, Editoriale. Dall’uguaglianza all’equità
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Il cliente ha sempre ragione
- Emma Nardi, Testo verbale e testo iconico. Verso una metacomprensione (Verbal text and iconic text. Towards a metacomprehension)
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Il bilancio delle incompetenze (bv)
- Gabriella Agrusti, Images as tools for reading comprehension development: the results of an experiment
- Martine Dubreuil, D’étiquette à texte narratif: l’écrit d’exposition, écho de changements de paradigmes dans l’espace muséal (From the label to the narrative text: written texts at the exhibitions, towards new paradigms in museums)
- Cinzia Angelini, Empowering metacognition through group activities
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Tertium (non) datur
- Elisa Caponera, Paolo M. Russo, Performance in Timss mathematics test: the influence of self-concept and socio-economic background
- Antonella Poce, Sabrina Greco, Gilberto Scaramuzzo, Ricerche in corso (Research in progress)
- Abstracts
- Libri ricevuti
Issue 1/2010
- Benedetto Vertecchi, The depth of assessment. Thinking through time (Editorial)
- Mauro La Torre, Introduzione algebrica alla statistica testuale (An algebraic introduction to textual statistic)
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Uno
- Emma Nardi, La mediazione culturale nei musei come forma narratologica (Cultural Mediation in Museums as Narrative)
- Irene Presta, Non-visitors: who are they, why is it important to know them?
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Bino
- Saskia Wools, Evaluation of Validity and Validation by Means of the Argument-based Approach
- Gabriella Agrusti, La lettura ad alta voce e le prove IEA-PIRLS 2006
- A cura della Redazione, Sassi / Trino
- Francesco Agrusti, From LexMeter to Adapter. Towards a match up between the Virtual and the Real Reader
- Francesco Agrusti, Cinzia Angelini, Antonella Poce, Gabriella Agrusti, Research in progress
- Abstracts
- Libri ricevuti