Polis genetica and society of the future

A cura di: Mauro Giacca, Carlo Antonio Gobbato

Polis genetica and society of the future

If the impact of the new biotechnologies is reassuring for the positive effects on the quality of human life, on health and nutrition, some troubling implications in social legitimization, genetic selection and manipulation of living matter, are worrying. All of this, which can be defined as the polis genetica, seems to be inevitable and initiates radical modification in the social system, where genetic information is assuming an ever more important role in many aspects of human life.

Pages: 224

ISBN: 9788856833201

Edition: 1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 1341.38

Availability: Buona

Pages: 224

ISBN: 9788856842630

Edizione:1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 1341.38

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The most recent developments in the field of biological research are having, not only, an ever increasingly significant impact on medicine, but are potentially able to transform the very shape of politics, law and society, giving direction to, and modifying the very destiny of human nature. On an epistemological level, the scientific revolution taking place in the life sciences is determining the passage from biopolitics to a new, original dimension in which the human species is beginning to also dominate living matter. If the impact of the new biotechnologies is, on one hand, reassuring for its positive effects on the quality of human life, on health and nutrition, on the other, its troubling implications in social legitimization, genetic selection and manipulation of living matter, are worrying.
All of this, which can be defined as the polis genetica, seems, in any case to be inevitable and initiates radical modification in the social system, where genetic information is assuming an ever more important role in many aspects of human life. The argumentative style is clear and conceived for not-expert readers. The dilemmas and complexity of this scenario may therefore be understood also by people who are not accustomed to the lexicon of biology.

Mauro Giacca is the director of the Italian Component of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Icgeb) in Trieste and full Professor of Molecular biology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Trieste, Italy.
Carlo Antonio Gobbato, PhD in Criminology at the University of Bologna, and Head sociologist for the Medical Services' Specialised Projects at the Hospital Santa Maria della Misericordia in Udine, Italy, is president of the Italian Society for the Sociology of Health.

Dalton Conley, Editorial
Mauro Giacca, Carlo Antonio Gobbato, Introduction
Mauro Giacca, Genes and human behaviour: towards a new determinism on genetic basis?
Carlo Antonio Gobbato, From biopolitics to the Polis genetica?
Serena Zacchigna, Mauro Giacca, Genetic manipulation on human beings
Carlo Alberto Redi, Manuela Monti, Cloning and stem cells
Juri Monducci, The protection of genetic information
Francesco Sidoti, Mariateresa Gammone, The Lomroso biologism: a centenary of controversies
Costantino Cipolla, Why we cannot consider ourselves Darwinists anymore
Carla Faralli, Reductionism and genetic discrimination
Patrizia Marocco, Genetic information and life insurance: international regulations and the right to underwrite in the era of post-genomic
International perspectives
Ananda M. Chakrabarty, Intellectual property rights and contentious legal and social issues in biotechnology
Antonio Maturo, Towards a bionic society?
Roberto Scalon, "Polis genetics". Knowledge and power in the time of the modern crisis.

Contributors: Ananda M. Chakrabarty, Costantino Cipolla, Dalton Conley, Carla Faralli, Mariateresa Gammone, Patrizia Marocco, Antonio Maturo, Juri Monducci, Manuela Monti, Carlo Alberto Redi, Roberto Scalon, Francesco Sidoti, Serena Zacchigna

Serie: Salute e Società

Subjects: Health Sociology

Level: Scholarly Research

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