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Sociologia urbana e rurale has been founded in 1979 by Paolo Guidicini. Maurizio Bergamaschi is the current General Editor. This journal is promoted and managed by the Center for Studies on City and Territory Problems (Ce.P.Ci.T) of the Department of Sociology and Business Law at the University of Bologna and is published quarterly by Franco Angeli.
Sociologia urbana e rurale It is the only Italian journal of sociology of the environment and the territory and publishes theoretical and empirical studies mainly related to the transformations of urban and rural areas. Particular attention is paid to their socio-spatial configurations, poverty and social exclusion, urban governance, migratory movements at local and international scale, environmental issues, architectural design and urban planning, tourism, and new metropolitan populations.
The journal also includes methodological essays, history of the discipline, and bibliographic reviews on specific topics. The journal does not intend to limit itself to sociology, but rather to revive the debate with other disciplines and professional figures, particularly architects, urbanists and geographers, interrupted for some time. The journal intends to broaden publishing opportunities, to stimulate debate, and to compare ideas and research results. This journal not only uses the collaboration with Italian scholars but also with international ones, and for this reason, prominent European and American researchers have agreed to join the Executive Board.
The structure of the journal includes a monographic section in every issue, committed to one or two editors, indicated by the steering Committee, presented and introduced by them, but it also includes, in a second section, studies and researches, reports, reflections on specific disciplinary aspects, bibliographical reviews of the most up-to-date literature. Each journal issue has also a section for national and international books reviews. Each year, the Executive Board plans the topics of the monographic section and its editors.
Editors are committed to launch an international call for paper that will be advertised on the journal’s website and on the Sociology of Territory section website of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS), or directly requesting potential contributors. The Executive Board reserves the right to evaluate proposals for the monographic section of the journal. All authors are invited to submit a monographic number to the Executive Board.
The articles are expected to be published in one of the following languages: Italian, French, English, German and Spanish.
The articles proposed for publication are submitted to an Evaluation Committee.
The authors must present their articles with a brief summary (10 lines) and 6 key words in Italian and English.

General Editor: Maurizio Bergamaschi (
Executive board: Marco Alberio (Università di Bologna - UQAR Université du Québec), Maurizio Ambrosini (Università di Milano), Giandomenico Amendola (Università di Firenze), Franco Bianchini (Leeds Metropolitan University), Marc Breviglieri (Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, Genève), Marco Castrignanò (Università di Bologna), Ada Cavazzani (Università della Calabria), Terry Clark (University of Chicago), Matteo Colleoni (Università di Milano Bicocca), Alessia de Biase (LAA-LAVUE -UMR 7218 CNRS- Ecole nationale superieure de Paris la Villette), Michael Dear (University of California, Berkeley), Nancy Duxbury (Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra), Alberto Gasparini (Università di Trieste), Nancy Holman (London School of Economics), Ray Hutchison (University of Wisconsin - Green Bay), Tom Hutton (University of British Columbia, Vancouver), Yuri Kazepov (University of Vienna), Volker Kirchberg (Universität Lüneburg), Juan-Luis Klein (Université du Québec), Jean Francois Laé (Universitè Paris VIII), John Logan (Brown University), Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques (Universidade de São Paulo), Ezio Marra (Università di Milano Bicocca), Antonietta Mazzette (Università di Sassari), Alfredo Mela (Politecnico di Torino), Enzo Mingione (Università di Milano Bicocca), Ali Modarres (University of Washington Tacoma), Harvey Molotch (New York University), Giampaolo Nuvolati (Università di Milano Bicocca), Alessandra Olivi (Universidad de Valparaíso), Simon Parker (University of York), Luigi Pellizzoni (Università di Pisa), Juan José Pujadas (Universitat Rovira I Virgili di Tarragona), Jason Prior (University of Technology, Sydney), Dean J. Saitta (University of Denver), Mario Small (Harvard University), Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay (TÉLUQ, Université du Québec), Francesca Zajczyk (Università di Milano Bicocca).
Editors: Mario Boffi (Università di Milano Bicocca), Alessandra Corrado (Università della Calabria), Luca Daconto (Università di Milano Bicocca), Monica Gilli (Università di Torino), Carlo Gelosi (Università per stranieri Dante Alighieri di Reggio Calabria), Alessandra Landi (Università di Bologna), Gabriele Manella (Università di Bologna), Carolina Mudan Marelli (Università di Bologna), Francesca Mantovani (Università di Bologna), Agostino Petrillo (Politecnico di Milano), Asterio Savelli (Università di Bologna), Camillo Tidore (Università di Sassari).
Editorial staff: Alice Lomonaco (coordinatrice, Università di Bologna), Teresa Carlone (Università di Bologna), Mattia Fiore (Università di Bologna), Manuela Maggio (Università di Bologna), Maria Grazia Montesano (Università di Bologna), Davide Olori (Università di Bologna), Valeria Piro (Università di Milano), Tommaso Rimondi (Università di Bologna).

Editorial Office: Centro Studi sui Problemi della Città e del Territorio (Ce.P.Ci.T), Dipartimento di Sociologia e diritto dell’economia, Strada Maggiore 45 40125 - Bologna, tel. 051-2092859 - fax 051- 238004

Each submitted manuscript is reviewed by two referees. The referees, selected by the journal's Steering Committee, are anonymous. All contributors are requested to send their papers with a brief abstract (10 lines) and 6 key-words, both in Italian and in English

Editorial Guidelines
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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section.

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Issue 63/2000