Issue 2/2017
- Andrea Lionzo, Italian academia facing an international scenario: Issues and trends
- Bruce Behn, Toward a learned profession: The future of accounting research
- Aldo Pavan, Isabella Fadda, Increasing the value of accounting research: An Italian perspective
- Marco Allegrini, Giulio Greco, Some notes about financial accounting research: Research methodology, epistemological approaches and practical implications
- Annalisa Prencipe, Past evolution and recent trends in accounting research
- Massimiliano Semprini, The points of contacts between academics and professionals
- Giovanni Andrea Toselli, The usefulness of accounting research: A practitioner’s point of view
- Orazio Vagnozzi, Accounting research production and evaluation: The view of the professionals
Issue 1/2017
- Cristian Carini, Laura Rocca, Claudio Teodori, Monica Veneziani, The Reporting Entity in Private-Public Accounting Harmonisation. Is Control Enough for the Local Government Consolidated Financial Statements?
- Marius Hasslinger, Michael Olbrich, David Rapp, Concerned about Going Concern: When do Entities in Liquidation have to be Considered a Non-Going Concern According to IFRS?
- Stefano Azzali, Tatiana Mazza, The Association between Big4 and Cost of Debt in Private Firms
- Elisabetta Mafrolla, Viola Nobili, Discretionary Accruals in Italian Private Firms and Non-Linear Bank Loan Granting