Issue 4/2014
- Editoriale
- Gloria Origgi, Giovanni B. Ramello, Francesco Silva, Publish or perish. Cause e conseguenze di un paradigma (Publish or perish. Causes and consequences of a paradigm)
- Andrea Bellucci, Ilario Favaretto, Germana Giombini, Credit availability and propensity to innovate of small and medium enterprises
- Andrea Gauselmann, Determinants of knowledge exchange between foreign and domestic enterprises in european post-transition economies
- Davide Castellani, Giulio Giangaspero, Antonello Zanfei, Heterogeneity and distance. some propositions on how differences across regions, firms and functions affect the role of distance in fdi location decisions
- Mariasole Bannò, Diego Giuliani, Enrico Zaninotto, Going abroad on regional shoulders: the role of spillovers on the composition of regional exports
- Nicola Matteucci, L’investimento nelle reti NGA a larga banda: la "questione settentrionale"
- Antonio Buttà, Andrea Pezzoli, Buyer power and competition policy: from brick-and-mortar retailers to digital platforms°
- Alessandro Avenali, Andrea Boitani, Giuseppe Catalano, Tiziana D'Alfonso, Giorgio Matteucci, Un modello per la determinazione del costo standard nei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale su autobus in Italia° (An econometric cost model for local public bus transport: evidence from Italy)
- Paola Giuri, Rosa Grimaldi, Elisa Villani, Supporting academic entrepreneurship: cross-country evidence in Europe
- Daniela Bolzani, Riccardo Fini, Rosa Grimaldi, Maurizio Sobrero, University spin-offs and their impact: longitudinal evidence from Italy
- Mariacarmela Passarelli, Michele Costabile, Un approccio manageriale al trasferimento tecnologico: un’analisi di benchmarking sui TTO universitari europei (A managerial view of academic technology transfer: a benchmarking analysis on some european university tto)
Issue 3/2014
- Michela Matarazzo, Riccardo Resciniti, Georg Schufft, La valutazione dell’effetto "made in Europe": un’indagine empirica cross-national
- Giulio Perani, Focusing on business R&D by analysing R&D micro-data
- Claudio Cozza, Antonello Zanfei, The cross border R&D activity of italian business firms
- Andrea Bonaccorsi, Giulio Perani, Investing in R&D in italy: trends and firms’ strategies, 2001-2010
- Andrea de Panizza, Mariagrazia Squicciarini, Technology flows and innovation output in Italy: industry-level evidence from R&D and patent data
- Claudia Cantabene, Leopoldo Nascia, The race for R&D subsidies: evaluating the effectiveness of tax credits in Italy
- Luigi Reggi, Chiara Assunta Ricci, Il ruolo delle società in house nel coordinamento delle politiche regionali per l’e-government (The role of public companies in the coordination of e-government regional policies)
- Stefania Trenti, Focus on industrial districts and local production systems. Esportazioni e investimenti diretti all’estero nelle imprese distrettuali italiane (Exports and fdi in italian districts)
Issue 2/2014
- Roberto Bombana, Carla Marchese, Designing fees for music copyright holders in radio services
- Luciano Fanti, Welfare effects of cross-ownership in a unionised duopoly
- Simone Corsi, Alberto Di Minin, Andrea Piccaluga, Ilaria Sangalli, Stefania Trenti, Verso una migliore comprensione dei percorsi di marketing relazionale delle imprese italiane high-tech in Giappone
- Claudio Petti, Making R&D efforts profitable: the role of absorptive capacity and policy implications in an emerging economy setting
- Sergio Mariotti, Marco Mutinelli, Investimenti diretti esteri greenfield in italia, 1998-2012. (Greenfield foreign direct investment in italy, 1998-2012)
- Andrea Ricci, Agglomeration of exporters and productivity spillovers: firm-level evidence from italy
- Filippo Albertoni, Stefano Elia, the global sourcing of business services: evidence from the offshoring research network survey
Issue 1/2014
- Giovanni B. Ramello, Francesco Silva, History, statistics and theory: Frederic M. Scherer and modern industrial organization
- Philippe Aghion, Rationalizing Scherer’s prophecy of an inverted-U relationship between competition and innovation
- Jhon T. Scott, Troy J. Scott, Innovation rivalry: theory and empirics
- William S. Comanor, Stuart O. Schweitzer, Pharmaceutical economics
- Victor Ginsburgh, Stephane Ginsburgh, Music, the brain, the mind, and the heart
- Kenneth G. Elzinga, Frederic M. Scherer on vertical agreements: staking out the middle ground on resale price maintenance
- Geoff Meeks, J. Gay Meeks, Mergers, accountants, and economic efficiency
- John Kwoka, Structure, conduct, policy, and performance: the "simple model" of Frederic M. Scherer