Architectures for Next Generation EU Cities

Ernesto Antonini, Jacopo Gaspari

Architectures for Next Generation EU Cities

Challenges, Key Drivers, and Research Trends

Cities are facing unprecedented challenges driven by different forces. On the one hand the ever-increasing effects of climate change are impacting on the urban microclimate and environmental balance, on the other one social, political and economic issues are influencing the living conditions, the accessibility to primary services and resources, as well as growth opportunities for the younger generations. The book provides therefore insights, experiences, approaches to deal with current and especially with future transition processes which are expected to shape the cities of tomorrow.

Pagine: 290

ISBN: 9788835144564

Edizione:1a edizione 2022

Codice editore: 11330.3

Informazioni sugli open access

Cities are facing unprecedented challenges driven by different forces. On the one hand the ever-increasing effects of climate change are impacting on the urban microclimate and environmental balance, on the other one social, political and economic issues are influencing the living conditions, the accessibility to primary services and resources, as well as growth opportunities for the younger generations.
The rise of a social awareness regarding these topics suggests how relevant scientific-based evidence could be and calls for additional efforts to bridge the gap between science and society, in order to stimulate a collective responsibility and due actions. The complex interaction among these factors inspired a forward-looking reflection not only on key drivers of change but also on possible future trends for research assuming an interdisciplinary and multiscale perspective.
The book collects several experiences from different contributors working in many contexts and countries, but sharing the same projection to the future. Four key priorities are addressed: the resilience to climaterelated events and impacts, the energy issue with reference to both the advances at building level and the role of end users, the capacity to adapting components and systems to emerging needs, and the adoption of assessment and simulation tools for improving the design capacity within a circular system perspective.
The book provides therefore insights, experiences, approaches to deal with current and especially with future transition processes which are expected to shape the cities of tomorrow. Thus, its ambition is not to provide definitive answers but to become a starting point for exploring promising research pathways for the next generation cities.

Ernesto Antonini is an Architect, PhD and a Professor of Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture of University of Bologna. His research interests deal with process and product innovation trends in buildings and related supply sectors, tools and strategies for energy optimization, renewable energy sources in the building sector including barriers to diffusion, dissemination measures, definition of criteria for impact minimization and for the selection of better integrable RES technologies in existing buildings. His findings and outcomes are internationally published.

Jacopo Gaspari is an Architect, PhD and a Professor of Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture of University of Bologna. His research fields include design strategies for urban regeneration, building renovation and energy efficiency, behavioural implications in energy transition, climate responsive building design, urban transition to low carbon solutions, strategies for climate change mitigation. His work on these topics is widely published at national and international level.

Section 1. Climate resilient cities
Rosa Schiano-Phan, Resilient urban environment: challenges and mitigation strategies
(Challenges of contemporary and future urban environments; Mitigation strategies towards long-term resilience; Resilient urban environments)
Licia Felicioni, Exploring synergies in sustainable, resilient and smart buildings to address new design paradigms in the next generation of architecture
(Introduction; Three design approaches; Three principles for a sustainable, resilient and smart built environment; Final reflections and future directions)
Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger, Running after pathways: a critical reflection on climate change roadmaps
(Recent key facts about the climate change; The mitigation, adaptation and compensation approaches; The green&smart city as a utopia for the future; Running after the pathways and "the pathway problem"; Conclusions and further works)
Selin Tosun, Citizen's shaping power in the city in the digital age
(Introduction; Smart and sustainable cities; Pressing issues to address; Conclusion)
Section 2. Energy, buildings, users
Laura Aelenei, Jacopo Gaspari, Lia Marchi, Addressing rising energy needs of EU cities of tomorrow: positive energy districts
(Context and challenges; From NZEB to Positive Energy District; International initiatives around PEDs; Example of PED initiatives at the EU level; Example of PED initiatives at the national level in Portugal)
Jacopo Gaspari, Energy efficient buildings and behavioural implications
(Context and background in the field of energy efficient buildings; Challenges, barriers and trends; Methodological approaches; User-centred design and behavioural implications on energy savings and comfort)
Beatriz Medina, David Smith, Inés Fábregas, Christina Reis, Tamara Vobruba, Adela Crespo, Factors influencing the social perceptions and choices towards circular renovation in the housing sector
(The role of social sciences in the circular housing sector; Analysing perceptions and beliefs of stakeholders involved in circular solutions in the renovation of European buildings; The qualitative social approach to collect evidence regarding stakeholders' attitudes towards the use of solutions in a circular housing model; Results about attitudes, planned behaviour, and perceptions towards circularity in the renovation of buildings; Discussion about problems, enablers, and needs encountered for addressing circularity in the renovation of buildings)
Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha, José Alexandre Ferraz de Andrade Santos, Francesca Pilo', Carlo Alberto Nucci, Marcelo Santana Silva, Ednildo Andrade Torres, Renewable distributed generation evolution: perspectives and new trends for prosumers in Brazil and Italy
(Introduction; Scope, specific objectives and methods; The electric power system and the challenges to enable the energy transition in Brazil and Italy; Brazil and Italy in a comparative perspective; Perspectives and trends for prosumers in the energy markets in Brazil and Italy; Conclusions)
Section 3. Adapting systems and components to Next Generation needs
Antonín Lupíšek, Balancing operational and embodied energy and embodied emissions of greenhouse gases in renovation projects
(Design strategies for buildings with embodied energy and greenhouse gases; Extension of the service lives of the existing buildings and significant reduction of the operational energy demand; Examples of extensions of the service lives of the existing buildings and significant reduction of the operational energy demand using prefabricated modules; Conclusion)
Ernesto Antonini, Embodied Energy in building's environmental impact balance
(Targeting on downing Operational Energy; The increasing relevance of Embodied Energy share in buildings; Remedy the underestimation of the Embodied Energy share: why and how; Filling the gaps)
Dinh Phuoc Le, Bamboo utilisation as a sustainable approach in shaping the diverse built environment: key values and challenges for Vietnam
(Introduction; Bamboo's ecological background in Vietnam; Promising values of bamboo in sustainably shaping the built environment; Value manifestations of bamboo in the built environment; The shortcomings of current bamboo utilization in the built environment in Vietnam; Conclusion and future prospects of sustainable utilisation of bamboo in the built environment)
Fabio Conato, Valentina Frighi, Laura Sacchetti, A multiscalar approach to renovate the building stock towards a resilient and adaptive built environment
(Introduction; European and national renovation trends; The conceptual framework for the multi-criteria support tool; A multiscalar approach to renovation for a more flexible built environment; Conclusions)
Section 4. Predicting, simulating, assessing sustainable features and circular systems
Kevin Hom, Circular economy in the built environment
(Introduction: what is the circular economy?; Background; Implementation of circular economy; Global agreement; Impact of the built environment: progressive solutions; Environmental management waste and resource management; Built environment and the circular economy expanding agenda; Built environment: next steps; Barriers to implementation; Current examples of implementation; Conclusion)
Lia Marchi, Design support tools for circularity-driven renovation projects
(Building renovation as circular action; Circular principles in renovation projects; Implementing circular thinking in renovation projects; Positive trends and prospects)
Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, Müge Krusa Yemiscioglu, Is circularity a measure of complexity in architecture?
(Sustainability and resilience concepts in socio-ecological studies; Sustainability, circularity, and resilience; Panarchy, circular economy, life cycle assessment and built environment; Conclusion)
Fuat Emre Kaya, Antonello Monsù Scolaro, Improving the efficacy of circularity in the building sector to cope with climate change: shared actions among operators
(Circular economy concept and its relation with climate change; Climate change within the building life cycle; Key stakeholders and circular actions; Circular actions shared among the key stakeholders; Remarks and future considerations)
About the authors.

Contributi: Laura Aelenei, Felipe Barroco Fontes Cunha, Saveria O.M. Boulanger, Fabio Conato, Adela Crespo, Inés Fàbregas Riverola, Licia Felicioni, José Alexandre Ferraz de Andrade Santos, Valentina Frighi, Kevin Hom, Fuat Emre Kaya, Müge Krusa Yemiscioglu, Dinh-Phuoc Le, Antonin Lupíšek, Lia Marchi, Beatriz Medina, Antonello Monsù Scolaro, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Francesco Pilò, Christina Reis, Laura Sacchetti, Marcelo Santana Silva, Rosa Schiano-Phan, David Smith, Arzu Gönenç Sorguç, Ednildo Andrade Torres, Selin Tosun, Tamara Vobruba

Collana: Ricerche di tecnologia dell'architettura - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio

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