Communicating medicine popularizing medicine

A cura di: Franca Daniele, Giuliana Garzone

Communicating medicine popularizing medicine

This book is a collection of original chapters on various aspects of healthcare communication. The variety of the studies presented bears witness to the inherent complexity of the transmission and dissemination of knowledge in the medical domain, characterized by different levels of specialization and diversified purposes, from care and treatment to health prevention, from medical training to awareness campaigns.

Pages: 200

ISBN: 9788820412425

Edition: 1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 1058.46

Availability: Buona

This Volume is a collection of original chapters on various viewpoints of healthcare communication. In terms of approaches and aspects investigated, the variety of the studies presented bears witness to the inherent complexity of the transmission and dissemination of knowledge in the medical domain, characterized as it is by different levels of specialization and diversified purposes, from care and treatment to health prevention, from medical training to awareness campaigns.

Contributors: Barbara Cappuzzo, Franca Daniele, Giuliana Garzone, Kim Grego, Alessandra Vicentini, Paola Clara Leotta, Stefania Maci, Renzo Mocini, Anna Franca Plastina, Annarita Tavani, Marianna Iya Zummo.

Franca Daniele teaches Medical English at "G. D'Annunzio" University in Chieti. She is author of many publications especially in the field of Medical English and Linguistics. More specifically her researches are concerned with academic discourse in medicine, medical translation, multiculturalism in medicine and teaching medical English. Also she has translated a number of academic scientific and medical papers and books.

Giuliana Garzone is Full Professor of English, Linguistics and Translation at Milan University. Her research interests are mainly in ESP, and in particular legal, scientific and corporate communication, and in translation and interpreting studies. She is author or (co-)editor of over twenty books, and has published over a hundred book chapters and journal articles, and she has coordinated several research projects.

Franca Daniele, Giuliana Garzone, Introduction
Section 1
Franca Daniele, A Dynamic Classification of Medical Genres
Annarita Tavani,
Strategies of Self Mention in Traditional Indian Medical Discourse
Stefania Maci,
A Framework for Medical Poster Multimodal Analysis: a Pilot Study
Renzo Mocini,
The Building Blocks of Medical Discourse. A Function-and-Corpus Driven Approach to ESP
Academic Medical Speech. A Corpus-based Investigation of Same-Speaker Most Frequent Content Key Word Barbara Cappuzzo, Repetition in Non-Native English Discourse
Section 2
Paola Clara Leotta, The Popularization of Psychiatric Discourse in the Media
Marianna Lya Zummo,
New Health Advice: Health Forum Sites as a Change of Discourse Frame, from Doctor-to-Patient to User-to-User
Anna Franca Plastina,
Apomediated Communication in Medicine 2.0: a Multimodal Discourse Study of Patient Empowerment
Kim Grego,
Alessandra Vicentini, Multilingual Perspectives on Italian Public Healthcare Websites

Contributors: Barbara Cappuzzo, Kim Grego, Paola Clara Leotta, Stefania Maci, Renzo Mocini, Anna Franca Plastina, Annarita Tavani, Alessandra Vicentini, Marianna Lya Zummo

Serie: Lingua, traduzione, didattica

Subjects: Linguistics

Level: Scholarly Research - Textbooks

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