Italy Today 2009.


Italy Today 2009.

Social picture and trends

The Report offers an analysis of the most significant socio-economic processes underway in Italy. It shows how Italian society, faced with the crisis, has once again adopted a traditional adaptive-reactive approach. The second chapter deals with some of the most interesting emerged trends, like the impoverishment of the public dimension... The third part deals with key aspects of Italian society: education, the labor market, the public welfare and health system, media and communications, security and citizenry...

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788856823837

Edition: 1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 2000.1290

Availability: Limitata

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9788856826685

Edizione:1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 2000.1290

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The CENSIS Report, now in its 43rd edition, offers an analysis and interpretation of the most significant socio-economic processes underway in Italy. The General Considerations that open the Report show how Italian society, faced with the crisis, has once again adopted, as in the past, a traditional adaptive-reactive approach. At the same time, however, four major transformation processes are highlighted: a complex reorganization of the service sector, a leading role played by entrepreneurship, a departure from the primacy of opinions in favor of a return to vested interests, the quiet decline of the long cycle of "do-it-yourself" individualism.
The second part, Italian society in 2009, deals with some of the most interesting trends that emerged in the past year: individuals on the verge of a crisis, the impoverishment of the public dimension, the central role played by time as a variable. The third part and the fourth part are devoted to in-depth appraisals of the key sectors: education and training, the labor market, health and welfare, territorial networks, the economic players, the mass media and communications, public governance, citizens and their security.

Part I. General consideration
Part II. Italian society in 2009
Individuals on the fringes of the crisis
(Families resist under strain; The critical areas seeing a drop in employment; The wave of business restructuring, chasing after the recovery; The decline in "everyone for himself" individualism)
The impoverishment of the public dimension
(The hidden wealth of tax evasion; A crumbling territory and the decline of public works; Education's lost strength; Public spending has its hands tied)
The importance of time
(Italians are champions at the short-term; Living in a state of emergency is the norm; Permanent exposure to the media and the resulting orgy of communication; The daily violence of living close together)
Part III. Areas of social policy
Education and training
(School-work alternance; Italy and learning mobility; The scenarios of the competitiveness of knowledge; Career training as a shelter good; Towards a knowledge-based society: the Tuscany case)
The labor market
(Medium-tern strategies for Italy's ailing labor market; Non-work time is on the rise; The value of human resources in the internationalization of Italian businesses; Toward a new social security for Italian professionals; Third-sector women entrepreneurs: a strategic factor for Italy's economy; Work and family: a winning formula for a well-balanced society)
The welfare system
(Healthcare in the year of crisis; Primary care in view of starting afresh from the territory; Is it worth having children in Italy?; Social inclusion policies: the difficulties of territorial communities; Fewer resources and more conflicts in the allocation of social spending)
Territory and networks
(Legislative fragmentation on the rise: regional variations on Italy's new construction law; L'Aquila after the earthquake: problems and future prospects; Economic crisis provides impetus for low-cost housing solutions; The role of the cities and provinces in countering the recession; Structural maintenance of common assets as a contribution to safety and as a counter-cyclical investment; Conditions and opportunities for provincial governments to assume a new leadership role)
The economic players
(The industry tested by the crisis; For a new partnership between businesses and the banking system; Italy's green economy, between myth and reality; Innovation and metamorphosis of commercial distribution; In the pluralism of the South to transform limits into opportunities; The consumption and life styles of Italians in a year that is all uphill; Italians and public betting)
Part IV. Means and procedures
Communication and procedures
(Media consumption changes during the year of the crisis; Between digital divide and press divide; Pluralism of sources: a process which is still unfinished; What remains in political communication alongside TV?; Social networks' success factors; Computers become virtual; A new season for movies: focusing on quality; Pre-political topics in pop music arenas)
The public administration
(Streamlining delayed; The administration of justice: exploring new for a; The incomplete digitalization of Italy's Public Administration)
Security and citizenry
(The difficult balance between fighting irregular migration and the right to asylum; A journey across regularizations; Immigration in times of crisis; Integration begins from health; The expansion of food counterfeiting; Public Administration in criminal land)
Looking through figures
Societal self-awareness: from great goals to the emergence of spontaneous processes (1967-1971)
From the "submerged" to the "emerged" economy (1972-1977)
The pride of stability (1978-1981)
Difficult relations between society and institutions (1982-1983)
Consolidation and need for maturity (1984-1987); Beyond proliferation (1988-1992); From revolutionary auphoria to an endless, wearisome transition (1993-1998); Something is moving in the enduring static nature of italy's atomized society (1999-2002); From the search for new exit routes to the prospect of a neo-bourgeois recovery (2003-2006)
The "mush" society. Italy on its way to its second metamorphosis (2007-2008)
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