Historical perspectives on forms of English dialogue

A cura di: Gabriella Mazzon, Luisanna Fodde

Historical perspectives on forms of English dialogue

From Shakespearean to textbook dialogues; from the rhetoric of letter writing to that of philosophical controversy; from gender-specific features of dramatic dialogue to the dynamics of trial proceedings, the articles in this volume all demonstrate the wide range and lively condition of historical dialogue studies within English linguistics.

Pages: 352

ISBN: 9788820413842

Edition: 1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 1116.4

Availability: Buona

Pages: 352

ISBN: 9788856862720

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 1116.4

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Over the past thirty years, many studies within English historical linguistics have adopted approaches drawing from sociolinguistics and pragmatics in order to investigate what texts from the past can tell us about the conveying of communicative intentions and stance, and about their codification, in older English. One interesting perspective is dialogue studies, in which the relationship between fictive characters, or that between writer and reader, is analysed (socio)pragmatically in order to highlight the way in which interaction dynamics was reproduced and interpreted at different stages of the English language and culture. This volume is meant as a contribution towards this research field, both as a testimony of the mature stage reached by such studies and, hopefully, as a prompt for future developments in this area.
The first part of the volume examines dialogic elements in literary texts, while the second is dedicated to non-literary text-types, including studies on scientific, didactic, technical and legal texts. From Shakespearean to textbook dialogues; from the rhetoric of letter writing to that of philosophical controversy; from gender-specific features of dramatic dialogue to the dynamics of trial proceedings, the articles in this volume all demonstrate the wide range and lively condition of historical dialogue studies within English linguistics.

Gabriella Mazzon is full professor of English Linguistics at the University of Innsbruck. Her research interests include English historical linguistics, historical pragmatics, sociolinguistics, varieties of English. Among her latest major publications, Interactive Dialogue Sequences in Middle English Drama (John Benjamins, 2009).
Luisanna Fodde is full professor of English and Linguistics at Cagliari University where she also directs the University Language Centre. Her research interests include sociolinguistics, ESP, teaching methodology, discourse and genre analysis for academic and professional purposes. She has published extensively on the above topics.

Gabriella Mazzon, Luisanna Fodde, Introduction
Part I. The Pragmatics of Dramatic and Fictional Dialogue
Jonathan Culpeper, The dialogue of plays and their contexts from the Early Modern period to the Present-day
Andreas H. Jucker,
"These imputations are too common, sir". Politeness in Early Modern English dialogues: The case of Ben Jonson's Volpone, or The Fox
Roberta Mullini,
"Was ever woman in this humour won?": the power of pragmatic strategies in Richard III's wooing of Lady Anne. A case study
Ursula Lutzky,
Early Modern English discourse markers - a feature of female speech?
Iolanda Plescia,
Expressions of futurity in early modern dramatic dialogue: a case study
Daniela Francesca Virdis, Interactive Dialogue Sequences in The Romance of Lust (1873-1876)
Part II. Dialogic Elements in Specialised and Didactic Texts
Irma Taavitsainen, Teaching dialogues of natural sciences in a diachronic perspective
Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti, Dialogic construction of the authorial voice in Remedies against Temptations by William Flete
Elisabetta Lonati, Kim Grego, Reasoning, Rhetoric and Dialogue in Galileo's Mathematical Discourses
Geoffrey Gray,
Molyneux's Problem: the Dialogic Structure of a Philosophical-Scientific Controversy
Elena Olivari, Paola Tornaghi,
Dialogue and scientific writings in the 16th century: Cyprian Lucar's translation of Niccolò Tartaglia
Donatella Montini,
Proverbs in John Florio's Fruits: Some Pragmatic Aspects
Laura Pinnavaia,
Teaching Italian (and English) through proverbs in conversation: a case study of Pietro Paravicino's "Choice Proverbs and Dialogues in Italian and English" (1660)
Elisabetta Cecconi,
Disagreement and relational work in 17th century didactic dialogues
Dawn Archer,
Assessing Garrow's aggressive questioning style
Michela Giordano,
The Old Bailey Proceedings: quoted dialogue and speaker commitment in witness testimony.

Contributors: Dawn Archer, Elisabetta Cecconi, Jonathan Culpeper, Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti, Michela Giordano, Geoffrey Gray, Kim Grego, Andreas H. Jucker, Elisabetta Lonati, Ursula Lutzky, Donatella Montini, Roberta Mullini, Laura Pinnavaia, Iolanda Plescia, Irma Taavitsainen, Paola Tornaghi, Daniela Francesca Virdis

Serie: Metodi e prospettive. Studi di Linguistica, Filologia, Letteratura

Subjects: Linguistics

Level: Scholarly Research

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