Issue 2/2016
- Peter Rodenburg, How Full is Full Employment?How Tools and Not Theory Explained Full Employment
- Marcelo Resico, Stefano Solari, The Social Market Economy as a Feasible Policy Option for Latin Countries
- François Billacois, Antoine de Montchrestien
- Bertram Schefold, Political Economy in the Pseudo-Aristotelian Oeconomica II and the German Cameralist Klock
- Cosimo Perrotta, Montchrétien Founder of Political Economy
- Rosario Patalano, Nation-World: Autarky and Geo-economics in Montchrétien’s Traicté
- A cura della Redazione, Book reviews
- Luciano Messori, Raimondello Orsini, A Biographical Note on John Bates Clark
- Alessandro Dafano, Measuring, Evaluating, Planning. The pioneering Italian Institute for the Study of Business Cycle
Issue 1/2016
- Rogéro Arthmar, Michael McLure, A. C. Pigou and the ‘Real Purpose’ of the 1924-25 Committee on the Currency and Bank of England Note Issues
- Francesco Farina, The Path Dependency of Poverty Reduction Policies
- Manuela Mosca, Antonio de Viti de Marco as a Political Commentator in the Daily Press
- Filip Birsen, The Converging and Diverging Views of Wilhelm von Humboldt and John Stuart Mill on the Subjects of Self-development and the Role of the State
- A cura della Redazione, Book reviews
- Roberto Scazzieri, Political Economy as Intellectual History: Pier Luigi Porta (1945-2016)
- Marco Dardi, Tiziano Raffaelli 1950-2016