Italy Today 2007.


Italy Today 2007.

Social picture and trends

In this 41st edition, the annual Report on Italy’s social situation by CENSIS Foundation once again describes and interprets the positive aspects of Italy’s socioeconomic trends in recent years. The rhetoric of economic decline has been abandoned, the inclination to accumulating financial assets has increased, and the sparks of economic vitality have generated a small, quiet economic boom in 2007.

Pages: 272

ISBN: 9788856802610

Edition: 1a edizione 2008

Publisher code: 2000.2002

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 272

ISBN: 9788846494580

Edizione:1a edizione 2008

Publisher code: 2000.2002

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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In this 41st edition, the annual Report on Italy's social situation by CENSIS Foundation (Center for Social Studies and Policies) once again describes and interprets the positive aspects of Italy's socioeconomic trends in recent years.
The rhetoric of economic decline has been abandoned, the inclination to accumulating financial assets has increased, and the sparks of economic vitality have generated a small, quiet economic boom last year. The General Considerations introducing this year's Report encourage the reader to view even 2008 in positive terms, and highlight the minority form of certain development processes under way in Italy. In Part 2 - Italian Society in 2007 - the Report outlines the new equilibria underlying the economic development achieved by Italy, the slow formation of a new leadership, and some persistent drawbacks of Italian society. Parts 3 and 4 are devoted to in-depth appraisals of a few key sectors: education and training, the labor market, health and welfare, territorial networks, the economic players, citizens and their security, innovation, the mass media and communications.

I. General Considerations
II. Italian society in 2007
New maintenance equilibria
(Less but better: the strategic revision of family consumption; Flexibility helps employment - and then what?; Italian businesses reorganize-sometimes abroad; Responsiveness and responsibility of local authorities)
A new leadership is slowly forming
(Financial liquidity plays leading role; The growing role of the global players; The rise of competitive businesses; The strength of financial concentration)
The social dimension and its limits
(Cohesion, but only for social needs; An anthropological decline; The system's inertia; The pervasive strengh of organized crime)
III. Areas of social policy
Education and training
(Raising continuing education requirements; Foreign students: from integration to successful schooling; Quality as motivation in the choice of college education; Strengths and weaknesses of traveling for college education-Between the search for quality and economic barriers; The European Union, a promised land for Italy's younger generations; New planning and old errors to be avoided)
The labor market
(Fewer employed, employees, serial workers; The further rise of technical professions; With women and work, improvements stili to be made; The causes of workplace danger; Regulated professions between attack logics and critical sizes)
(Unequal health care; Making progress in the shared management of regionalized health; The doctor-patient relationship: transformation, and crisis; The Alzheimer's lesson: an integrated services network; The risk of selective solidarity; Welfare costs in a labor market hostile to longevity)
Territory and networks
(Structural funds 2007-2013: an opportunity not to be wated; Ten years of projects creating no change in the territories; Provinces as the center of territorial development; The difficult task of increasing the value of State property; Renewed attention on housing politics; Upkeep and revival of mountainos areas; A communiting axplosion)
The economic players
(A vital economy, present yet transparent; Growth for an active minority; The unstoppable concentration of economic power; Industry that looks to the future; New forms of agricultural enterprise; generational turnover and "young business" for a new growth cycle; Strengtheining infrastructure to improve business competitiveness; Unstrusting Italian consumers; Controlled debt expansion)
IV. Means and procedures
Communications and the media
(How many different media do we have today? From 8 to 20; "More of everything" or "Better for everybody"?; Pictures of the digital revolution underway; Television landslides; Multi-media news; Radio everywhere; Mass Internet use; Italians are reading more; Cell phones, basic media)
Innovative processes
(Italian web navigators on the rise; Not all investments in Research & Development bring forth innovation, nor is all innovation born from research; "Changing stride" in the South: creating awareness and attracting resources; Digital memories: innovation that looks to the past; Public administration on-line)
Security and citizenship
(Putting sense and substance back into integrated security; Getting acquainted in order to identity the most appropriate instruments; The new role of local entities in the politics of urban security; Criminal organizations increasingly infiltrating businesses; Is bullying in schools really on the rise?; The risk of excessive fragmentation of immigration jurisdiction; The first cracks in foreigners' social integration; Undersandins trafficking)
Looking through figures
(Foreword; Tables)
Censis: an observer on the watch
(Wath is Censis?).

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