Italy Today 2008.


Italy Today 2008.

Social picture and trends

The annual Report on Italy’s social situation by CENSIS Foundation once again interprets and analyses the most significant aspects of Italy’s socio-economic trends. The General Considerations, introducing this year’s Report, confirm the fragility of our socio-cultural structure and the multiplication of small or big fears. In the same breath, the original features of our system of coexistence help us to face the current crisis, meanwhile we catch a glimpse of the signs of a silently starting second metamorphosis.

Pages: 272

ISBN: 9788856810615

Edition: 1a edizione 2009

Publisher code: 2000.1264

Availability: Buona

Pages: 272

ISBN: 9788856818727

Edizione:1a edizione 2009

Publisher code: 2000.1264

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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In this 42nd edition, the annual Report on Italy's social situation by CENSIS Foundation (Center for Social Studies and Policies) once again interprets and analyses the most significant aspects of Italy's socio-economic trends. The General Considerations, introducing this year's Report, confirm the fragility of our socio-cultural structure and the multiplication of small or big fears. In the same breath, the original features of our system of coexistence help us to face the current crisis, meanwhile we catch a glimpse of the signs of a silently starting second metamorphosis.
In the second part - Italian society in 2008 - the Report outlines the most interesting phenomena emerged during the year: the financial meltdown's reactions and defenses, the walk towards the second metamorphosis of the Italian society, the lasting factors of internal vulnerability.
The third part and the fourth part are devoted to in-depth appraisals of the key sectors: education and training, the labor market, health and welfare, territorial networks, the economic players, the mass media and communications, public governance, citizens and their security.

Part I. General consideration
Part II. Italian society in 2008
The financial meltdown: reactions and defenses
(The non-cyclic nature of Italy's economic system; The overail staying power of businesses; Italian households and their self-protection strategies; Moderate consumption guarantees a good lifestyle)
Towards the second metamorphosis
(Increasilgly global players; From immigrants to new Italians; Women's increasing role in society; Living together in the mega-cities; We, digital mutants)
Factors of internal vulnerability
(The South: two territories, one nation; Neither with the state, nor the market: Italians' disoriented polycentrism; The azards of "devalued employment"; The Italians "unorthodox normality"; The ambiguous power events)
Part III. Areas of social policy
Education and training
(Training for lifelong learning; Upper secondary school: how and where to intervene according to educational managers; University: scenarios and strategies for a chronic patient; Is training in the Public Administration truly effective?; "Knowledge exports" do well)
The labor market
(Uncertainties in the job market; The world of public-sector employment; Flexibility as the lesser evil; Businesswomen's inadequate involvement in public life; Renewed trust in the intellectual professions)
The welfare system
(Thirty years with the national healthcare system: how Italy and the health of Italians have changed; Donations and transplants: when the service network is effective; Italians have a mature approach to the use of pharmaceuticals; Families with children receive little help; The fragile pillar of supplementary pension schemes)
Territory and networks
(Turin-Lyon: from street scuffles to agreements on development strategies; The seaport system as a business and as a stimulus for territorial development; The Italians and the city: the spirit of modernity in the urban dimension; The housing issue and the role of territorial housing agencies; Reassuring food: "local produce" do away with fears and uncertainties)
The economic players
(Multiform innovation in order to coope with the market crisis; The new forms of internationalization; The emerging entrepreneurship of migrants; The pathways of innovation in Italy's agricultural system; The land-sea cluster for efficient logistics; Consumption, loans and indebtedness: inside and beyond the crisis of households)
Part IV. Means and procedures
Communications and media
(The digital revolution towards the multiplication and integration of media; European youths and their relationship to the media: beyond standardization; Vices and virtues of generalist television; The ambiguous drift of communication in the political debate; The fear-mongering Italian media; The force of localism in communication; Festivals and queues: for an anthropology of cultural consumption; The revival of Italian cinema)
Public governance
(The 2008 general elections: local angreements prevail but the desire for a strong central administration grows; The reverse approach to personal safety; Reconsidering strategies for representation in Brussels; Tourism policies round the mark; Sports policies: the required shift in logic)
Security and citizenry
(Local police forces burdened with more tasks; Counterfeiting: few risks and a great deal of money; Corruption, a hidden and unsolved problem; Bullying seen through the eyes of parents; The risk of dispersing the integration of immigrants in school; Mixed marriages: lights and shadows of an emerging phenomenon)
Looking through figures
(Foreword; Tables)
Social self-awareness: from great goals to the emergence of spontaneous processes (1967-1971)
From the "submerged" to the "emerged" economy (1972-1977)
The pride of stability (1978-1981)
Difficult relations between society and institutions (1982-1983)
Consolidation and the need for maturity (1984-1987)
Beyond proliferation (1988-1992)
From revolutionary euphoria to an enfless, wearisome transition (1993-1998)
Something is moving in the enduring static nature of Italy's atomized society (1999-2002)
From the search for new exit routes to the prospect of a neo-bourgeois recovery (2003-2006)
The "mush" society. Italy on its way to its second metamorphosis (2007-2008))
Censis: an observer on the watch
(What is Censis?).

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