The role of the integrated conservation of cultural heritage for a creative, resilient and sustainable city.

A cura di: Teresa Colletta

The role of the integrated conservation of cultural heritage for a creative, resilient and sustainable city.

Acta of the ICOMOS-CIVVIH Symposium, Naples 2012

The book collects the papers presented at the International Symposium of the ICOMOS - CIVVIH (International Scientific Committee in Historical Towns and Villages) and focuses on the concepts of the integrated conservation and of the managing of urban historical landscape heritage through case histories/good practices in different countries of the world.

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788820450793

Edition: 1a edizione 2013

Publisher code: 1862.177

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9788820461409

Edizione:1a edizione 2013

Publisher code: 1862.177

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Much of the current debate on how we should preserve our cultural heritage revolves around urban sites, historic districts, historical towns, but especially in the historical core of the big cities. Old cities conservation are much more difficult than the restoration of individual historical monuments, not only because of the quantity of physical structures to be rehabilitated, but mainly because cities are living organisms, with a complexity of human and functional, social and economical aspects. The cultural urban heritage is not made of built entities only. It may encompass crafts, art works, traditional trade and religious activities and may be intangible: a diversified population that is sometimes fragile often ill known inhabits old cities. All this complexity contributes to the peculiarity of historical old cities as a whole. The central question of the debate is: are there any actual examples from urban heritage sites worldwide to demonstrate key issues and best practices in the integrated conservation of the urban heritage of historical cities' core and their urban historic landscape today?
The book offers a comprehensive overview of the intellectual development in urban conservation in the 21 century on the basis of the evolution and operational context of urban management and the development of local urban conservation policies and practices by ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites) "experts".
The book collects the papers presented at the International Symposium of the ICOMOS - CIVVIH (International Scientific Committee in Historical Towns and Villages) in Naples in the September 2012 and focus on the integrated conservation and on the managing of urban historical landscape heritage through case histories of good practices in different countries of the world. In this way we have the possibility to study the creativity in the safeguard and rehabilitation of the historical towns and what an opportunity cultural tourism is for the historical towns sustainable development.

Teresa Colletta Associate professor of Urban History at University of Naples "Federico II", Vice-president of ICOMOS Scientific Committee of CIVVIH and General Secretary of ICOMOS Italy. Since 1987 is scientific responsible of the review Storia dell'Urbanistica/Campania. Since 1998 is Correspondent for the "Evaluation Report" of UNESCO-"W.H.L". She is autor more than 150 publications. The most significant: Piazzeforti di Napoli e Sicilia (1981); Atlanti di città del Cinquecento (1984); Napoli. La cartografia pre-catastale (1985); Capri. Atlante storico delle città italiane (1990); Napoli città portuale e mercantile. La città bassa il porto ed il mercato (2006); Città portuali del Mediterraneo. I luoghi dello scambio commerciale e le colonie dei mercanti stranieri (ed. by) (2012); Città storiche e turismo culturale (2013).

Teresa Colletta, Presentation
First Part
Luigi Fusco Girard, The cultural base of cities for improving their resilience, creativity and sustainability
Sofia Avgerinou Kolonias, The contribution of creativity and culture in forming modern policies for the preservation and revival of historic cities, towns and urban areas
Teresa Colletta, Multilayered Mediterranean towns and historical cultural landscape. Integrated conservation strategies
Eleni Maistrou, Rehabilitation of historical cities. Searching for a creative approach and innovative ways of management through the concept of the creative and sustainable city
Pierre Laconte, The historic city as model for sustainable urban extensions: case histories
Second Part
Nur Akin, Une zone historique de réhabilitation urbaine à Istanbul: Balat
Alvaro Gómez-Ferrer Bayo,
Le quartier du "Cabañal" à Valencia: rupture et développement versus conservation et régénération. Une question ouverte
Faïka Béjaoui,
Intervenir, créer en centre ancien. Quel futur pour le patrimoine? La ville de Tunis
Yuichi Fukukawa,
What to learn from historic way of building in the case of reconstruction of the damaged central Ishinomaki city by the great east Japan earthquake
Danuta Klosek-Kozlowska,
Modern journey spaces and the sustainable development of city centres. Revitalising post-railway areas in Poland
Saleh Lamei,
Heritage for peace. The conservation of Hala Sultan Tekke, Larnaka - Cyprus
Olga Sevan,
Choice of the future for development historical city Kolomna in Moscow' Region of Russia
Resolutions of the Naples' international symposium on the role of integrated conservation of cultural heritage for a creative, resilient and sustainable city at the 2012 annual meeting of CIVVIH.

Contributors: Nur Akin, Sofìa Avgerinou Kolonias, Faika Béjaoui, Yuichi Fukukawa, Luigi Fusco Girard, Alvaro Gomez-Ferrer Bayo, Danuta Klosek-Kozlowska, Pierre Laconte, Saleh Lamei, Eleni Maistrou, Olga Sevan

Serie: Urbanistica

Subjects: Historic Preservation, Restoration Techniques - Urban Planning and Territorial Planning - Urban and Landscape History

Level: Scholarly Research

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