Close relationships and community psychology: An international perspective

A cura di: Vittorio Cigoli, Marialuisa Gennari

Close relationships and community psychology: An international perspective

I risultati di un progetto di ricerca internazionale coordinato dalla Postgraduate School of Psychology dell’Università Cattolica di Milano e dalla Regione Lombardia. Gli autori sono psicologi clinici e sociali di diversa provenienza e i contributi sono offerti nelle lingue originali con un ampio riassunto in italiano.

Pages: 320

ISBN: 9788856823332

Edition: 1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 1245.36

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 320

ISBN: 9788856826876

Edizione:1a edizione 2010

Publisher code: 1245.36

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The volume presents results of an international research project on the topic of close relationships and their implications at a community level.
The project draws from a cooperation between the Lombardy Region and the Postgraduate School of Psychology "A. Gemelli", Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan. In particular such project was meant to promote the exchange and scientific dialogue between European and North American "junior" and "senior" researchers and clinical or psychosocial researchers from the Catholic University.
The volume is divided into different parts, each devoted to one of the following themes: "Community and family"; "Civic engagement"; "Exchange between genders and generations".
Among the authors there are internationally well known clinical and social psychologists. The contributions are in English, Spanish and French but they are also provided with comprehensive summaries in Italian.

Vittorio Cigoli is Professor of clinical psychology of couple and family relationships at the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan as well as Director of the Postgraduate School of Psychology "A. Gemelli". Author of several volumes and over two hundred publications, he is the scientific responsible of the internationalization project ASAG- Lombardy Region.
Marialuisa Gennari is Researcher in clinical psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Brescia branch) as well as coordinator of the high quality training activities of the Postgraduate School. Among her research interests are multicultural integration, family mediation, couple pathology and psychogerontology.

About the Authors
Vittorio Cigoli, Introduction
Part I. Community and family
Scott W. Browning, Monica Accordini, Marialuisa Gennari, Vittorio Cigoli, How therapists view stepfamilies: An analysis of Italians clinicians' representations
Carlos E. Sluzki, Marialuisa Gennari, Monica Accordini, Between projects and regrests: Social network maps of three young female immigrants
Robert E. Emery, Davide Margola, Marialuisa Gennari, Vittorio Cigoli, Emotionally informed mediation. Processing grief and setting boundaries in divorce
María Isabel Gonzáles Jaramillo, Giancarlo Tamanza, Sara Molgora, Mediación Familiar y cuidado de los vínculos. Un análisis empírico del modelo Relacional-Simbólico
Klaas Wjima, Emanuela Saita, Valentina Fenaroli, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following childbirth
Part II. Civic engagement
James W. Pennebaker, Federica Facchin, Davide Margola, What our words say about us. The effects of writing and language
María Luisa Vecina, Elena Marta, Maura Pozzi, Daniela Marzana, What do sustain our will to volunteer? A cross-cultural Italian and Spanish comparison
Marie Simon, Costanza Marzotto, Ilaria Montanari, La parole et le geste. Analyse de processus dans un groupe de parole des enfants en rupture de liens
Ricardo Sánchez Martín, Caterina Gozzoli, Immigración, deporte y ciudadanía: una investigación partecipativa en Barcelona y Milán
Part III. Family relationships: an exchange between genders and generations
Ashley K. Randall, Guy Bodenmann, Sara Molgora, Davide Margola, The benefit of "stress and coping" research in couples for couple therapy
Jennifer L. Scott, Giulio Costa, Davide Margola, Helping couples cope with cancer. A multi-focal clinical intervention
Montserrat Davins P., Marialuisa Gennari, Giancarlo Tamanza, Violencia en las relaciones de pareja: un modelo de intervención para mujeres maltratadas
Thomas N. Bradbury, Benjamin R. Karney, Raffaella Iafrate, Silvia Donato, Building better intimate relationships: Advances in linking basic research and preventive interventions
Filippo Aschieri, Stephen E. Finn, Patrizia Bevilacqua, Therapeutic Assessment and epistemological triangulation
Claudia Manzi, Brian K. Barber, Camillo Regalia, Miriam Parise, Parental disrespect: The italian validation of a new measure of perceived parenting
Fabrizia Raguso, Federica Facchin, Sara Molgora, Armanda Gonçalves, Tradução ao português da "Intervista Clinica Generazionale"
Sintesi dei contributi in lingua italiana.

Contributors: Monica Accordini, Filippo Aschieri, Brian K. Barber, Patrizia Bevilacqua, Guy Bodenmann
 Bodenmann, Thomas Bradbury, Scott Browning, Giulio Costa, P. Davins Montserrat, Silvia Donato, Robert Emery, Federica Facchin, Valentina Fenaroli, Stephen E. Finn, Armanda Gonçalves, Maria Isabel J. Gonzales, Caterina Gozzoli, Raffaella Iafrate, Benjamin R. Karney, Claudia Manzi, Davide Margola, Elena Marta, Daniela Marzana, Costanza Marzotto, Sara Molgora, Ilaria Montanari, Miriam Parise, James W. Pennebaker, Maura Pozzi, Fabrizia Raguso, Ashley K. Randall, Camillo Regalia, Emanuela Saita, Ricardo M. Sanchez, Jenn L. Scott, Marie Simon, Carlos E. Sluzki, Giancarlo Tamanza, Maria Luisa Vecina, Klaas Wjima

Serie: Psicologia sociale e clinica familiare

Subjects: Psychopathology and Clinical Psychology - Couples & Family Therapy, Systemic and Relational Therapy: Theories and Techniques

Level: Books for clinical Psychologists, Psychotherapists

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